Natural Disasters.....

And these weather patterns happened before the last Ice age too, and would of increased with frequency like they are now. So this is no worse than before, either. It's not just us that can generate greenhouse gases. They are naturally occurring. And it's this that alters the weather patterns

Two things;

1. If we are talking about an increase in natural disasters "recently", I don't think saying "well it happened before the last ice age too" is much help.

2. Be honest, you're just talking bollocks and hoping a solid argument will form along the way.
Two things;

1. If we are talking about an increase in natural disasters "recently", I don't think saying "well it happened before the last ice age too" is much help.

2. Be honest, you're just talking bollocks and hoping a solid argument will form along the way.

Explain why the previous comments are bollocks?

Coming out with that statement is hardly a solid answer either is it.

Think Mark, think.
What does that have to do with earthquakes for example Mark?

They have and always will occur, the frequency now is no more than in past centuries.

Vic was talking about natural disasters in general, not specifically earthquakes.

Earthquakes are not on the increase in number, but they are more devastating because the world is now more densely populated and therefore the damage and death toll increases than for example fifty or a hundred years ago.
I think unless anyone was alive 100 years ago and can say "oooh yes there's definitely more natural disasters now" then everyone is talking b0ll0cks!

Records only began in the 1900's (I'm presuming) so it is pretty hard to say that the last 5-10 years have been worse than any other. I think they're just better recorded now!

In any case, death tolls will be less now as we have more sophisticated warnings systems and recovery operations. So what consequences "worsening" disasters?

Interesting page

Looks like bad shizzle has always been going on...
I'm taking it purely on the science of the matter that increased global warming leads to increased storms. This ofcourse, could be incorrect. Argue that one with the scientists.

Bore holes at the poles show increasing levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases before the last major Ice age. Now, if we take the same fact that the increased amount of storms is due to global warming due to the greenhouse gas affect, then there would of been similar storms before the last Ice age.
I think unless anyone was alive 100 years ago and can say "oooh yes there's definitely more natural disasters now" then everyone is talking b0ll0cks!

Records only began in the 1900's (I'm presuming) so it is pretty hard to say that the last 5-10 years have been worse than any other. I think they're just better recorded now!

In any case, death tolls will be less now as we have more sophisticated warnings systems and recovery operations. So what consequences "worsening" disasters?

Interesting page

Looks like bad shizzle has always been going on...

*Unless you live in China, Iran, Turkey and Haiti.

I didn't think we were comparing last century with this century. I was talking "recently" in terms of the last few decades.
after the Japanese tsunamis earlier in the year people started talking about the world ending in 2012 etc etc, i doubt very much that will happen but it could so I took the stance life is short say yes to everything you possibly can to and haven't looked back. 2011 best year of my life so far 8)
after the Japanese tsunamis earlier in the year people started talking about the world ending in 2012 etc etc, i doubt very much that will happen but it could so I took the stance life is short say yes to everything you possibly can to and haven't looked back. 2011 best year of my life so far 8)

Can I borrow fifty quid please? :D
Just think, we are overdue a mass extinction ;)

I think it was Nostradamus who predicted that Ibiza will be the last refuge on Earth after armageddon because of its prevailing wind patterns.

Everybody to the island! I call dibs on island king when everything else is gone!
Sorry, but you are incorrect.

Vic is right, there has been a dramatic increase in the frequency natural disasters over the past decade.

There was something like 200 "Weather related" disasters per year during the 90s and 350 per year over the past decade.

There are lots of studies ongoing trying to ascertain why this is happening with much evidence pointing towards man's erosion of the natural environment as one of the contributing factors.

got lots of evidence.

take my word for it.


convenient evidence, i'm sure.

in reality it's more down to strong enso events like la nina. which you could argue are caused by global warming. and then you could argue that is caused by man.

but then there's no evidence of that either.
The advent of of the internet makes news from around the world more available. That brings things to most of our attention. Does things happen more today than before I don't know.
I think it was Nostradamus who predicted that Ibiza will be the last refuge on Earth after armageddon because of its prevailing wind patterns.

Everybody to the island! I call dibs on island king when everything else is gone!

Love this :D

Lets all Rock n Rolla peeps 8)
got lots of evidence.

take my word for it.


convenient evidence, i'm sure.

in reality it's more down to strong enso events like la nina. which you could argue are caused by global warming. and then you could argue that is caused by man.

but then there's no evidence of that either.

Very true.

Environmentalists will jump on the "it's all man's fault" bandwagon, whereas the "climate change deniers" will claim it's all part of nature's big cycle.