Natural Disasters.....


Active Member
There are definately alot more now and alot more frequent than when i was a little kiddly wink and tbh it does worry me.....:confused:

There have been a fair few major natural disasters over the past couple of years and i dont see them becoming any less frequent :(

More and worse to come ?!
Kind of disagree with that... They are just as frequent now as they ever were.

Technology has just enabled us to be far more aware of them, from the little disasters to the big ones.
I think both valid points

The thing is , we are just a blip on the earth's history (unless your religious). Earth has been batterd by meteors , ice ages , earthquakes , tsunami's etc throughout its existence , just because we are here and its pretty inconvenient to us , doesn't mean they are going to become less frequent. Nature is infinitely more powerful than us and will end the human race at some point if we dont manage to wipe ourselves out. The dinosaurs were around a hell of a lot longer than we have been dont forget

An unusual, but fairly correct way.
We are the final red line. We've barely been here at all, when compared to the the rest of this planet.
The only difference between now and the past, is that there is intelligent enough life to be aware of it and able to properly record and [mostly] understand what these disasters are. And because we put value on human life more than animal life, the disasters seem worse because they kill more people.
But they will kill more people, the human population of this world has never been higher. So will always look worse.

Thats my two cents on this. :confused:
Ben, i actually do, to my surprise, see your point / view actually....

I actually just hate it, the last few majors ones have been horrendous...and what i hate the most is, we actually really can do alot to prevent them from happening :(
There are definately alot more now and alot more frequent than when i was a little kiddly wink and tbh it does worry me.....:confused:

There have been a fair few major natural disasters over the past couple of years and i dont see them becoming any less frequent :(

More and worse to come ?!

Totally incorrect.

Natural disasters are exactly that, natural.

They always have happend and always will.

Obviously you will think they happen more frequently these days as you will be aware of them. When you were a kiddy wink its highly unlikely you stayed up watching the news at 10 taking in the days events, you were more likely to be veiwing playbus or Rainbow which didn't report on the days news.
Totally incorrect.

Natural disasters are exactly that, natural.

They always have happend and always will.

Obviously you will think they happen more frequently these days as you will be aware of them. When you were a kiddy wink its highly unlikely you stayed up watching the news at 10 taking in the days events, you were more likely to be veiwing playbus or Rainbow which didn't report on the days news.

This is what i thought it could be, hence the thread.....

ahhhh man this sucks :(
Totally incorrect.

Natural disasters are exactly that, natural.

They always have happend and always will.

Obviously you will think they happen more frequently these days as you will be aware of them. When you were a kiddy wink its highly unlikely you stayed up watching the news at 10 taking in the days events, you were more likely to be veiwing playbus or Rainbow which didn't report on the days news.

Sorry, but you are incorrect.

Vic is right, there has been a dramatic increase in the frequency natural disasters over the past decade.

There was something like 200 "Weather related" disasters per year during the 90s and 350 per year over the past decade.

There are lots of studies ongoing trying to ascertain why this is happening with much evidence pointing towards man's erosion of the natural environment as one of the contributing factors.
just had to get rid of an ex colleague as a friend on facebook as he has started getting all biblical quoting about floods/earthquakes/doom & gloom/end of the world (don't mean get rid in a mafia way)
Sorry, but you are incorrect.

Vic is right, there has been a dramatic increase in the frequency natural disasters over the past decade.

There was something like 200 "Weather related" disasters per year during the 90s and 350 per year over the past decade.

There are lots of studies ongoing trying to ascertain why this is happening with much evidence pointing towards man's erosion of the natural environment as one of the contributing factors.

What does that have to do with earthquakes for example Mark?

They have and always will occur, the frequency now is no more than in past centuries.
And these weather patterns happened before the last Ice age too, and would of increased with frequency like they are now. So this is no worse than before, either. It's not just us that can generate greenhouse gases. They are naturally occurring. And it's this that alters the weather patterns
Totally incorrect.
Natural disasters are exactly that, natural.

What does that have to do with earthquakes for example Mark?

It doesnt have anything to do with earhtquakes. But as your previous post states, natural disaters are exactly that, natural. and that includes weather related ones.

I was thinking this the other day. There has been so many occasions where places have seen unprecedented damage due to flooding, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis (before the last 2 big ones over the last few years when was there a tsunami that killed so many ?)

The world is changing. And me thinks weve got something to do with it al !!