Name this tune!


New Member
it was played every night when i was out the other week in san antonio but i cant remember the name of it! very catchy and has a woman singing in it

goes something like this

"now were here.. yeah yeah yeah"
or get hold of the epic 8 minute original from 4 years ago which is still the best house tune ever made...

Grant Nelson my ARSE
coles said:
or get hold of the epic 8 minute original from 4 years ago which is still the best house tune ever made...

Grant Nelson my ARSE

.........this 'grant nelson mix is arse' conversation is very jaded now - if its your opinion - fine - no matter how rudely u put it - but a lot of people like it....its the first remix to properly send the track to the commercial dancefloor - the eric kupper mix nearly did - but still left it in beach house quarters......the Bimbo Jones strings mix is superb as well.....
The original, whilst genuinely moderately beautiful, for some reason makes me sad, and sends me to sleep or makes me feel drowsy.

The GN mixes show a good use of essentially whacking 2 tunes together (adding Strings of Life) and is good for the Hands-in-the-Air massive, though not really on for a serious club environment IMO.
Dan x said:
The original, whilst genuinely moderately beautiful, for some reason makes me sad, and sends me to sleep or makes me feel drowsy.

The GN mixes show a good use of essentially whacking 2 tunes together (adding Strings of Life) and is good for the Hands-in-the-Air massive, though not really on for a serious club environment IMO.

I quite like the GN mix I know in a serious club it wouldnt work but it would tear the ares out of the Space terrace! ( well when it was a terrace )
pds said:
.........this 'grant nelson mix is arse' conversation is very jaded now - if its your opinion - fine - no matter how rudely u put it - but a lot of people like it....its the first remix to properly send the track to the commercial dancefloor - the eric kupper mix nearly did - but still left it in beach house quarters......the Bimbo Jones strings mix is superb as well.....

rude maybe and I have no problem with people liking the commercial versions - whatever floats yer boat. But this song was never meant to be a club song in the sense of Space Terrace and/or the West End.

Congrats to Hed Kandi for finally making some dosh out of it, but every remix from this year is AWFUL to my ears. And anyone who remembers the original when it first came out is more likely to feel the same way.

This is a soulful US-House song. Not Europop. End of.
THAT tune is lame lame lame

and so is 'rockin music' and 100 other fluffy crappy hed kandi style choons....

the scurge of dance music.............that new tune as well 'same man' is bloody awful...

am gonna be at space sunday afternoon...and am havin mares of crappy fluffy house.... like same man...and rockin music

polease someone tell me itll be otherwise!

having been listening to same man all year, was kinda bored with it by the time june came.

BUT when i heard it on the space terrace i couldn't help but smile and dance like a loony, class. in fact i have a video from my phone which i'll upload later.
titipornstar said:
am gonna be at space sunday afternoon...and am havin mares of crappy fluffy house.... like same man...and rockin music

polease someone tell me itll be otherwise!


If your having 'mares' I suggest you don't go...
titipornstar said:
THAT tune is lame lame lame

and so is 'rockin music' and 100 other fluffy crappy hed kandi style choons....

the scurge of dance music.............that new tune as well 'same man' is bloody awful...

am gonna be at space sunday afternoon...and am havin mares of crappy fluffy house.... like same man...and rockin music

polease someone tell me itll be otherwise!


Fair enough but at least people look like they are enjoying themselves with "Fluffy" tunes. All this im too cool for school Elecrto / mimimal stuff they are playing kills all the atmosphere.

And forgive me if im wrong but the Space terrace was always about happy hands in the air music that ill admit wasnt groundbreaking but when the sun was on you, it sounded like the best music in the world!
titipornstar said:
THAT tune is lame lame lame

and so is 'rockin music' and 100 other fluffy crappy hed kandi style choons....

the scurge of dance music.............that new tune as well 'same man' is bloody awful...

am gonna be at space sunday afternoon...and am havin mares of crappy fluffy house.... like same man...and rockin music

polease someone tell me itll be otherwise!


Space has always been about happy anthems in the daytime, good on Darren Hughes for sticking with a music policy that works and seeing by the amount of happy people on the Space terrace is what people want rather than trying to please the I'm too Cool for School New Kids on the Block :roll:
Barbie said:
Space has always been about happy anthems in the daytime, good on Darren Hughes for sticking with a music policy that works and seeing by the amount of happy people on the Space terrace is what people want rather than trying to please the I'm too Cool for School New Kids on the Block :roll:

no need to copy me is there! :D