Hello to all Ibiza lovers
First of all all I want to say that the spotlight website and the forum is one of the biggest helps and best source for informations on Ibiza
I were 4 times on this beautiful island and always had very good experiences and the bettest clubnights of my life (except Manumission ).
This year I will return to Ibiza in August 23th to 30th
I heard from a few people that I don't have to miss a very special night on ibiza: Namaste experience @ Las Dalias (were's also the bettest hippiemarket on ibiza is). They said that they had their best night there but in an completely other way than going to a club
I checked there website www.namaste-ibiza.com and it looks and sounds great
Now my questions:
Is it still on wednesdays?
When is the best time to go@ (don't want to sit in an empty place or miss the whole show)?
How much is the entry?
Can anyone give me a review of his night there???
I'm sure anyone can help me
Oh my god, my first message in here, I'm so excited. Always read@the forums but now I'm a part of it
Before I'm getting to emotional I wish you all a nice weekend 8)
First of all all I want to say that the spotlight website and the forum is one of the biggest helps and best source for informations on Ibiza
I were 4 times on this beautiful island and always had very good experiences and the bettest clubnights of my life (except Manumission ).
This year I will return to Ibiza in August 23th to 30th
I heard from a few people that I don't have to miss a very special night on ibiza: Namaste experience @ Las Dalias (were's also the bettest hippiemarket on ibiza is). They said that they had their best night there but in an completely other way than going to a club
I checked there website www.namaste-ibiza.com and it looks and sounds great
Now my questions:
Is it still on wednesdays?
When is the best time to go@ (don't want to sit in an empty place or miss the whole show)?
How much is the entry?
Can anyone give me a review of his night there???
I'm sure anyone can help me
Oh my god, my first message in here, I'm so excited. Always read@the forums but now I'm a part of it
Before I'm getting to emotional I wish you all a nice weekend 8)