My fine is £660.60

yes, hense the reason I'm offering myself up to anyone who's been down the chippy.

Anyone got any woodbines for a lunch time meet? :eek: :lol:
off-topic, can´t find the right thread ...

A fine of € 53,100 for illegal party in Santa Gertrudis
The City Council has sanctioned the homeowner and tenant

The City of Santa Eulalia des Riu has sanctioned with
53,100 euros
to the owner of a house in the Cami de Fruitera and his tenant
for the organization of a massive rave party last summer

The Council has taken the decision to fine the two together since it is considered that the organization of this event on September 2 had the consent of the landlord, located near Sant Rafel Racecourse.

Two weeks before, in the same place, there were also complaints music. The organizer reported that it was an anniversary party. The party ended at the request of the local police.

The penalty has been fixed taking into account the fork required by law 16/2006 on classified activities and, in cases like this of very serious infringements, determines that sanctions can range from 10,001 to 100,000 euros.

In this case we have taken into account the fact that at the party, along with entry charged, there was an accumulation of vehicles at the entrance to the party that threatened the security and the fact they knew they could have dangerous practices caused a forest fire in this area. In addition, it has been estimated that not attend the first police request to turn off the music and conclude the celebration.

The incident occurred on September 2 to a house known as Can Claverie. From the houses surrounding denounced the music coming from the house and the large number of vehicles and people who were in the vicinity. A police patrol approached the scene and found the loud noise of electronic music coming out of a house where you could see the constant movement of people and, at the entrance, there was a table and a chair that made you think you could used as a ticket office.

The officers met with the tenant and warned him that he had to turn off the music and end the party, a fact that was committed. Shortly after neighborhood complaints continued to occur and returning agents found that the party was still going. Then, unable to evacuate the building as dozens of people involved, we proceeded to the minutes of the facts and perform a security check. The result of this control is certified that the participants of the party had to pay 15 euros to get in, which was also right to drinking beverages that are put on sale inside.

These facts constitute a violation of Article 117.3 of the Act 16/2006 as a holding account for profit without regulatory approvals regarding classified activities.

Agents also brought 56 ​​charges of improper parking of vehicles to the party participants as invaded forested areas or cut the access road ...

Back to the original thread - totted it up and came out with 775.60. A tad over what it probably ought to be and more than Robder in 2007 ! I just have to put it down to 'finding my way' :confused: - sincerely hope Robder has caught up by now or I really do need to have a word with meself :eek:

I think we just need to have sex for money once... would significantly boost our scores!

If anyone offered I'd probably take it :lol: ... sure beats having things the other way around !
£610.10, although given the fact the whole I pass out most weekends and don't remember what happened the night before, it could be a lot worse!! haha