My final C______ ......

Angie24 said:
Drew said:
Can't understand why Mambo says flat stomach only last a day? This has not been the case for me at all. It shrank dramatically from the first colonic and has stayed the same since. Maybe it's because i've stepped up the cardio training?

I imagine that would help do it. If you notice a difference and there are other things that have changed with your lifestyle they will all compliment each other.

I used to only do cardio 2/3 times a week, but now i do 6/7 days so i'm basically burning an extra 1000'ish calories off a week which can make all the difference.
quality what did she say? :D

she just wanted to know what they were like, it was because i answered honestly on the questionnaire. I suppose her shoving something up my bum made her feel comfortable in talking to me about it :eek:
Mambo - did your therapist explain that sugar can be the main cause of being overweight/bloated.

Do you drink much wine?

Do you put sugar in your drinks?

Do your drink pop?

Do you consume much sugar in any other way?

If so, this could be the culprit.

My vice was wine. I still drink it occasionally but have gone over to vodka/pineapple which has far few calories and virtually no sugar content.
Drew said:
Angie24 said:
Drew said:
Can't understand why Mambo says flat stomach only last a day? This has not been the case for me at all. It shrank dramatically from the first colonic and has stayed the same since. Maybe it's because i've stepped up the cardio training?

I imagine that would help do it. If you notice a difference and there are other things that have changed with your lifestyle they will all compliment each other.

I used to only do cardio 2/3 times a week, but now i do 6/7 days so i'm basically burning an extra 1000'ish calories off a week which can make all the difference.

Most definitely! I guess the C________ kick starts you though :?:

I just can't get over the hose up bum thing :lol: :lol:
i probably drink 2 bottles of wine a week

dont really drink pop, just occasionally we'll buy a bottle.

i dont really drink coffee or tea so i dont have sugar.

ive stopped eating low fat yougurts because of the sugar content, im now eating probiotic natural yoghurts, 1 a day.

Ive toned up since at the gym but thats it really and i know the little belly is the hardest part to get rid of.
Angie24 said:
Drew said:
Angie24 said:
Drew said:
Can't understand why Mambo says flat stomach only last a day? This has not been the case for me at all. It shrank dramatically from the first colonic and has stayed the same since. Maybe it's because i've stepped up the cardio training?

I imagine that would help do it. If you notice a difference and there are other things that have changed with your lifestyle they will all compliment each other.

I used to only do cardio 2/3 times a week, but now i do 6/7 days so i'm basically burning an extra 1000'ish calories off a week which can make all the difference.

Most definitely! I guess the C________ kick starts you though :?:

I just can't get over the hose up bum thing :lol: :lol:

It's nothing like as bad as it sounds.

I don't care anyhow. It's been a great 'investment'

Glad that's all over and done with now.

My bum will be a one way valve from now on :oops:

I had a massage after to help bring me back down to earth.

So... is this health fad over in the UK, or are you people still getting your butts flushed? :lol:
I have a friend who DIY's it in her bath. I can never go to their loo without looking across at the tub and shuddering at the thought....:eek::(
How does that work then?

Does she do it when theres water in there or just into an empty bathtub with a hosepipe and a hoover (im assuming there will need to be some kind of suction).

I can only imagine she does it with the water not in the bath, cause if she does it whilst in the bath, that is a truly horrifying thought.
I'm not sure of the specifics, but I think it involves her hubby erm...inserting pipe then filler her up with warm water. Then when she can't take any more on board, pipe is removed and she erm....lets go into the bath.

Now can you see why I shudder and why they are relegated to the 'weird' end of my friend spectrum.