My boyfriend is such an Ibiza killjoy!!


Active Member
So there I was, getting the old Spotlight calendar out, Mixmag guide and busily plotting our Ibiza nights out and seeing who was on where and when etc. I asked my bf what nights he was interested in when he let out a (quite frankly) arsey protest, saying that NOBODY plans Ibiza's Ibiza! Well surely planning is part of the excitement? Getting yourself in the mood etc etc...he thinks that proper Ibiza fans don't plan, they just "go with the flow". Well excuse me!!!

So am I just a crazy control freak or do many of you plan your nights? Surely it's good to be informed, even if you end up changing your minds and going elsewhere!:spank:
So there I was, getting the old Spotlight calendar out, Mixmag guide and busily plotting our Ibiza nights out and seeing who was on where and when etc. I asked my bf what nights he was interested in when he let out a (quite frankly) arsey protest, saying that NOBODY plans Ibiza's Ibiza! Well surely planning is part of the excitement? Getting yourself in the mood etc etc...he thinks that proper Ibiza fans don't plan, they just "go with the flow". Well excuse me!!!

So am I just a crazy control freak or do many of you plan your nights? Surely it's good to be informed, even if you end up changing your minds and going elsewhere!:spank:

i (and at least one other on here) can join you in the consultants lounge.

ive had lists on everything since the last time i went. its planned like a militsry operation - no time for dissent!!
oh dear.

from experience, no matter how much you "plan" it'll always end up going belly up with some form of spanner getting thrown into the works.
i always have in mind what i want to do, the very fact we all use a forum all about ibiza kinda puts us in the category of geek. rarely do i stick to plans anyway, everything usually goes out of the window in ibiza (in a good way of course).

dont worry about it, i find knowing a bit (and stuff for during the day too, restuarants to look out for, places to go etc.) wont do any harm.

my mates all take the p**s out of me for thinking about it a bit too much all year round :confused:
I reckon its best to get in the know of what and where so you got some savvy about your day/night. But I would never say from the outset Im going to such and such a place incase i aint up for that place at that moment.

Also in the past Ive met up with peeps who know of something cool going on and Ive been able to go coz I didnt commit to anywhere else.

Men and commitment......bombaclot8)8)8)
So there I was, getting the old Spotlight calendar out, Mixmag guide and busily plotting our Ibiza nights out and seeing who was on where and when etc. I asked my bf what nights he was interested in when he let out a (quite frankly) arsey protest, saying that NOBODY plans Ibiza's Ibiza! Well surely planning is part of the excitement? Getting yourself in the mood etc etc...he thinks that proper Ibiza fans don't plan, they just "go with the flow". Well excuse me!!!

So am I just a crazy control freak or do many of you plan your nights? Surely it's good to be informed, even if you end up changing your minds and going elsewhere!:spank:

My husband is your boyfriend - I am you. end of!! :lol::lol::lol:
I always go with a plan of who I want to go and see each night.... the restaurants I want to visit before.... what beaches to go to.... where we're exploring this time....I drive Sarah mad! She's not up for the planning either! There is more than a little truth in what I think Chewie said above that it all goes belly up at some stage anyway.... but for me the anticipation of the fun to be had is sometime almost too much to take!
I usually go with a party plan that gets adhered to pretty strictly. A variation here or there, but usually only additions not subtractions!

As for the other stuff, we chose beaches at random, and restaurants depend on moods and discoveries (although there is usually a must-see list).

Anyway, never hurts to plan, even if things change on the ground. As Coley stated, good to be "in the know" about what's going on when... the more you plan, the more you memorize all the options available, which in turn helps out with contingencies!
Me and my fine lady have planned out about 8 of the 14 nights with the rest open to going with the flooo.....

Middle ground8)
I actually took the calendar with me the first year I went just so we had an idea of what was on and what things we wouldnt miss. Was hard to cram it all in one week!
I actually took the calendar with me the first year I went just so we had an idea of what was on and what things we wouldnt miss. Was hard to cram it all in one week!
One year, I had a version of the calendar in PDF format and carried it on my phone :lol:
i never plan my ibiza nights. i just turn on the telly and flick through until something takes my fancy
It's always planned to some extent, I mean you don't just walk out the apartment and follow the crowds. Nowt wrong with planning a night out.

i have been planning since january. even my bf is now printin off the party calendar an highlightin where he wants to go.
like to have a bit of an idea of whats on so i dont miss anythin!! we have planned for about a weeks worth of nights and things to do in the day, and left the other week to chill and do whatever we fancy at the time.

59 days to go...if any of you are on facebook add me as a friend (zoe aaron) and you will see my doin it in days at the moment, soon wil b counting down in hours, sad i know but it keeps me sane :D
I like to know what's what before I go, and to have something of a plan. Although it's good to be open to those exciting, random options that always seem to transpire in such situations. Sometimes "the flow" can lead to wonderful places beyond your imagination (let alone your safety zone). My life has been greatly enriched by many such experiences, and my perspective broadened. I know of two parties that I'll be at in Ibiza this year, the rest is a mystery (rolls nipples between thumb and forefinger in excitement :lol:).

Here's to the horizon! :p