Music styles at clubs: trying to figure out


Active Member
Hi. We came back from our first trip to Ibiza and are now planning a new one in September. I have two questions:

1. Weather. Will we be able to enjoy sun and sea in mid September ?

2. Music styes at clubs. We went to several clubs in our first visit and found that the music at clubs vary. The musc at some parties wwre not really to our taste (e.g, afterlife), so we do not want to make the same mistake and would like to understand in advance which clubs plays the music we will enjoy.

We enjoy dancing to house music. Electro, rave, commercial are not really for us. Elrow party was probably closest.

Which parties/clubs would you recommend ? Thank you !
september weather will be lovely.

for house music in clubs try:

pacha friday/saturday
heart on saturdays
defected at eden on sundays
as for daytime parties..

you'll find your choice of music @ Zoo Project or Woomoon, both on sunday. Tough choice for me.
thanks to both of you. very helpful. Is September usually a quieter month ? I am asking for the purposes of bying tickets online in advance or it will be cheaper and faster to buy on spot ?
Hi. We came back from our first trip to Ibiza and are now planning a new one in September. I have two questions:

1. Weather. Will we be able to enjoy sun and sea in mid September ?

2. Music styes at clubs. We went to several clubs in our first visit and found that the music at clubs vary. The musc at some parties wwre not really to our taste (e.g, afterlife), so we do not want to make the same mistake and would like to understand in advance which clubs plays the music we will enjoy.

We enjoy dancing to house music. Electro, rave, commercial are not really for us. Elrow party was probably closest.

Which parties/clubs would you recommend ? Thank you !

Glitterbox would be your cup of tea as well I reckon.

Important thing to understand: It is much more the party that defines the music style than the club. Actually the spotlight website will help you tremedously - just click on the party name in the party calender, and you have all the information plus the style of music that will be played. There are even spotify playlists!

By the way spotlight crew: Thumbs up for those playlists!!!
Glitterbox would be your cup of tea as well I reckon.

Important thing to understand: It is much more the party that defines the music style than the club. Actually the spotlight website will help you tremedously - just click on the party name in the party calender, and you have all the information plus the style of music that will be played. There are even spotify playlists!

By the way spotlight crew: Thumbs up for those playlists!!!

thank you !
I alluded to this last night in the observations thread but there is an increasing amount of (understandable) confusion about 4/4 music genres which may well be leading people to the wrong events. perhaps I was harsh on the promoters? Maybe part of the reason is that modern electronic music has got very blurred and mysterious. modern producers are less restricted by boundaries and the old divides between house, techno and prog are rapidly fading. that's healthy in many ways but obviously that makes it harder to reach a consensus about what music is or to find commonly agreed definitions, esp if you're a layman and not necessarily that engaged with the technical side. so instead of obsessing about genres, maybe people should instead emphasise if they're after up or downtempo, whether they want obscure or classics, atmospheric or tuff and whether they want druggy/dark or more accessible/vocal. because tbh terms like house or tech are increasingly overused to the point of useless. in my case, I have a rough idea of what I'm after but that's only after years of exposure to millions of music forms. for somebody with less experience, I can understand why it might be a total minefield.