Music festival thoughts

yea this has been mentioned a couple of times in the final comments question! - the aim of the study is to look at file sharing/illegal downloading and whether it has had an effect on the music festival boom - but i thought it would be wise to be careful about the language in the questions. I thought that if i kept mentioning the fact that it was technically illegal or wrong then people may answer dishonestly. So i tried to word it so that people would know it was asking about file sharing/illegal downloading but feel comfortable enough to answer.

A couple of people have mentioned downloading mixes and also the use of spotify - so this is all really good stuff that I can add into the conclusion :D

Thanks for the responses guys - all been so helpful!
yip, i put in about downloading podcasts....its about all i ever do these days....sadly my internet usage feels the brunt!!...always going over my monthly usage:(