Moving To London

That's the first time I've seen that thread, brilliant! I may have to refer to that as I'm starting to think about getting in the dating game, having been in a relationship for most of my adult life! I'll assume that everything said in that thread can be taken as fact... :D

Of course, it's 100% guaranteed to work 60% of the time!

I can vouch for the sockless foot check and the tidy bedroom indicator, but you'll have to check with Chewie if the 'Chicken Pie Scenario' stands up, as it were, a few years on.

On my signal.....
Had my first day at the new job today. Definitely a slight step up from my previous office environment, the new office feels a lot more dynamic and really at the sharper end of things - but everyone was really friendly and positive. To be honest, considering the amount of change that has happened in the space of 3-4 weeks, I'm pretty pleased with how things are settling down. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have been ready for all this a year ago - particularly not this quickly. The timing of this was absolutely right and I knew it when I handed in my notice in Chester.

I hope it goes well and it sounds like you've landed on your feet already, I think you'll have a blast! Well jeal

Cheers, mate. The aim once here is to live for the moment a bit more. Back home I wasn't even living for the weekend. I was living for the next Ibiza holiday. :lol:

Couple of Gallery nights, Phil?

You know what? I've not been to a Gallery night since January so I feel like I'm ready for another one. Not sure I'll be able to fit it in before Xmas but might make this Jan 'Ministry Month'.... not that MOS is gonna become my second home like Syndicate did in Bristol. That would be a tragic waste of living in this city.
Haha, after parties at yours :lol:
MoS is likely to be shut in January, it has been the last four years in a row. They always refurb one of the rooms in Jan, as no one can afford to go out then.
We will see, then. We will see. It's my birthday at the end of Jan so I can see the first month of 2013 being a bit mad... probably as mad as Jan 2012 was. I was lucky if I got to the Gallery once a year before. Looking forward to going a least 3 or 4 times in the run up to the summer (...and hopefully Ibiza again!)

After parties at ours? Be careful what you wish for, Ben! As you may remember from my Ibiza 2012 review, my group do not sleep.
its not as scary as people think, I moved with my job 14 years ago, the first 6 years where a blast, then I coupled up and moved to the burbs. My advice would be to pay as much as you can afford to live somewhere as close in as you can, I moved to Stoke Newington which had trains to liverpool street and also the infamous no 73 bus so if one mod of transport isnt working then you can use the other one. Where I am now there are no direct buses and when the tube buggers up I cant get anywhere.
Will be doing as the title suggests in a few months time. :D

Good luck with that!

Anyone following me on Facebook or Twitter will know that my time in London is going pretty damn well so far. Bar a very awkward/uncomfortable friendship situation that's by no means beyond sorting out, my settling in here has been relatively pain free. London itself (and particularly my job) I can't fault. In fact, I think a lot of London people take what they have here for granted.
Haha, after parties at yours :lol:
MoS is likely to be shut in January, it has been the last four years in a row. They always refurb one of the rooms in Jan, as no one can afford to go out then.

Have you been yet?

Heard the Room 103 is better laid out now. DJ booth not up in the sky.

Not sure when I'm going next