Moving To London


Active Member
Hi all,

I've not been around on the forum as much of late as I've been in the midst of a pretty uncertain period in my life. Basically decided a few months ago that I was just going to leave my job in Chester and go down to London to find work, basically to be closer to my 'trance crew' and old Uni friends. In retrospect a pretty bold move really.

Just by chance a room had opened up in my friends' flat and I've just come down here and applied for jobs for the last 3 weeks.

By some miracle I was today offered a job down here. So my life is basically about to have undergone a complete transformation in the space of about 4 weeks. It's pretty insane actually.

So London town has today gained itself another passionate fan of dance music (complete with podcast, of course...)

Any tips and tricks for living in London, people? Other than the usual financial warnings! :)
Got no tips to offer, but congratulations on the move. Takes a lot of balls to up and move like that, I'm glad it seems to have worked out well!
Good luck finding Trance parties! MOS will be your friend , and the odd one in Vauxhall.
Apart from that err dont believe hype about certain areas being dodgy till you've been there , Mind the Gap , stand on the right of the escalator on the tube , dont walk slowly on oxford street
If you have a car don't try leaving it places without a 'Find my Car' app on your phone.....else long walks and calls to various councils may become regular features of your mornings :spank:
If you have a car don't try leaving it places without a 'Find my Car' app on your phone.....else long walks and calls to various councils may become regular features of your mornings :spank:
:lol: :lol:
Alternatively, you could just search for your car when sober and well-rested ;)
Walk on the left/stand on the right...and be sure to check out the famous echo in the British Library
Takes a lot of balls to up and move like that, I'm glad it seems to have worked out well!

It was one of my New Year's Resolutions back in January to move out of home and get a new job. Around October time this year I was sitting in our office in Chester thinking, 'I have absolutely no chance of making this happen'. Just goes to show. With a positive outlook and the right people helping you out you can make these things happen. Sometimes you have to do something a bit dramatic to push it forward.

Where abouts are you staying btw?
Will be living in Balham, working in Shoreditch.

Apart from that err dont believe hype about certain areas being dodgy till you've been there

This is a smart piece of advice actually. I remember when I first came to Balham to visit my friends here and I had no expectations of the place whatsoever. To me it seemed a perfectly reasonable place to live. In fact, the main high street has pretty much all you need and certainly didn't strike me as a dangerous place. When I mentioned to someone recently that I was going to be staying in Balham they couldn't wait to tell me how awful and rough it was, how they knew someone who'd been held at knife point there etc. As you say, all hype/hearsay.
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Balham being described as dodgy!!!! HAHAHAHA I would love to live in Balham!
Its yummy mummy central! Tooting down the road isnt quite as nice but still not bad at all and Clapham South is just up the road which is nice too. Northern line in the morning is abit of a mare tho

You can get into dodgy situations in any borough of london its just bad luck , common sense will see you fine.
Balham being described as dodgy!!!! HAHAHAHA I would love to live in Balham!
Its yummy mummy central! Tooting down the road isnt quite as nice but still not bad at all and Clapham South is just up the road which is nice too. Northern line in the morning is abit of a mare tho

You can get into dodgy situations in any borough of london its just bad luck , common sense will see you fine.

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the Northern Line commute every morning. And I have to be in the office at 8.30 as well. But, hey, we'll see whether it beats trying to drive myself across rush hour Chester every morning picking up colleagues on the way.
Great story to add to your life, great age to do it to. Not too young, not to old and love your music. I would love the things London has to offer on my doorstep but trying to get the mrs to move anywhere out of Nottingham is just a no go :(
I hope it goes well and it sounds like you've landed on your feet already, I think you'll have a blast! Well jeal :lol:
This is all you need then:

I presume you haven't upped sticks and moved with an other half. All of womankind is here (and indeed mankind if that is your taste, or both). I expect tales of ironed sheets and checking for shaved legs with a sockless foot*.

*You need to read the thread to understand

That's the first time I've seen that thread, brilliant! I may have to refer to that as I'm starting to think about getting in the dating game, having been in a relationship for most of my adult life! I'll assume that everything said in that thread can be taken as fact... :D