Most Rated

comin' at ya said:
How can I comment on something I havent heard - I dont need to hear it to know that most of the tracks are available on a lot of other comps.

It doesnt matter whether I have heard it or not unless your are suggesting I actually buy it for the mixing and not the tracks which would be ridiculous unless this was something completely out of the ordinary.

Oh my God, I'm finding myself agreeing with you 8O Must go and buy a Ministry Annual compilation quick. But the tunes on here are the same as they are on several other compilations so its not for me, but the other ITH's I have are very good and all the others bar this are on my wish list
Andy, mate, tbh it seems like you want your cake and to eat it too.

I have no problem whatsoever with the Defected releases. They have been consistently through the years my preferred record label, From All I Do, to the original Soulfuric Sessions cd (which I think then was a Defected release!?).

They have a unique talent to spot that 'defected sound'.

IMO, by definition, you can't have a mass popular cd, and expect it to be 'respected' amongst the underground. It's simply a basic ciontradiction in terms, surely?

Fair play to your CD. I'm more than likely to get it. But don't expect a cd, voted for by the masses, to be labelled 'underground'. It's populist, pure and simple.

Call it what it is. No ifs, no buts, no filler, Simply the best popular House cd there is.
Harmless, sugar coated, happy house!!
Has it's place, but does look suspiciously like the 2 hed kandi "worldseries" comps put together!!

My Missus will love it!!

But fair enough, phil mitchell wants a new car then :lol:

we all know that the majority of the population thrive on hearing stuff they already know so why not exploit it now and then ;) muhahahaaa

You'll have to do a lot more ITH packs to make up for it though :lol:
How can anybody say this board is going down the nick with posts like this still knocking about. Hail to you small jinx, may you never get a proper job!

It's just sad and that i think that one would expect a more from a defected cd. A Defected choice of this year's choons would be so much more interesting than some spurious 'poll'.

Pandering to the lowest common denominator isn't often the best marketing strategy. I really hope it doesn't sell well coz that will just encourage more lazy, pi$$ poor, back of an envelope compilations.

Plus, i reckon Defected are gonna have to spend serious money on promotion and marketing to take on the big boys who seem to have the 'greatest hits' sector pretty much sewn up.

But, yawn, to answer andy daniell, personally, yawn. I wouldnt' buy it.
rustywoo said:
It's just sad and that i think that one would expect a more from a defected cd...

The week after is Jazzy Jeff in the house. That's one for the headz. Guess they've just got something for everyone, even though you can't please all of the people all of the time, or can you? :?
Decided to buy this, despite having most of the tracks on various comps already and glad I did, its worth it just for the dvd! Some really good tunes on it, plus a good mix of cool visuals, music video footage and footage from Bora Bora and El Divino from this year in Ibiza!
The cds are pretty good to, probably best suited for house partys that aren't just populated by house-heads!
Maybe it's me, but I certainly know a good compilation when I hear one. The Defected guys are bang on with this cd collection 8) ...ok there are some golden oldies but there's nothing wrong with that. At least, virtually everyone of these tunes is a sure fire winner.....i've had to pour water on my stereo, they are that hot....just rec'd Independence form the same label this morn and it's the dogs aswell. You can't go wrong with Def Com 2 either in my humble opinion. I've been disappointed with some of the In the House cd's even though I can't restrain myself from buying them when I get the's like watching England, you watch every match as you think the match you miss will probably be the best effin match ever.... :roll: