More License Problems


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More License Problems.

The following article appeared in today's Ultima Hora de Ibiza:-

El Govern balear aplicará una dura sanción económica a los comercios Pull and Bear, Stradivarius y Kiddy's Class de Eivissa, pertenecientes al grupo Inditex, por abrir sus puertas al público sin la correspondiente licencia autonómica. Tal como avanzó ayer este periódico, el Ejecutivo autonómico tramita, a raíz de la denuncia del servicio de inspección de la Conselleria de Comerç, un expediente de infracción muy grave por el cual prevé sancionar a cada establecimiento con una multa de 120.000 euros (20 millones de pesetas).
La Ley de Comercio, según explica la Conselleria, prevé para estos casos una sanción que va de los 15.000 hasta los 150.000 euros. La Ley de Comercio cataloga estas tiendas como grandes establecimientos comerciales y, como tal, deben obtener antes de abrir el permiso del Govern.
La legislación trata como «gran establecimiento comercial», y no «gran superficie» (el caso del SYP, por ejemplo) a las grandes empresas con más de 250 trabajadores, con un volumen de negocio anual superior a 40 millones de euros, un balance general superior a 27 millones de euros o, si se trata de sociedades mercantiles, estén participadas en al menos un 25 por ciento por empresas que cuenten con las características anteriores.

It says that the Balearic Government is going to levy sanctions against 3 shops belonging to the same retail group which do not have the correct licenses to trade. It seems pretty obvious to all and sundry that once again the so called 'Disco Mafia' are behind this sudden move by the government as not a single one of these shops sells a single item of official club merchandise. With the sudden drop in sales in the Pacha shop in town as our 12 week clubbing season finishes and sophisticated young clubbers leave the island in droves, it is thought that disco bosses brought pressure to bear against the rival shops. By October, with no other choice of clothing, Ibiza's streets will be full of uniformly clad Pacha/Space/Privilege clones - just as they are in August!
i just had to read this again..........

stephen said:
It says that the Balearic Government is going to levy sanctions against 3 shops belonging to the same retail group which do not have the correct licenses to trade. It seems pretty obvious to all and sundry that once again the so called 'Disco Mafia' are behind this sudden move by the government as not a single one of these shops sells a single item of official club merchandise. With the sudden drop in sales in the Pacha shop in town as our 12 week clubbing season finishes and sophisticated young clubbers leave the island in droves, it is thought that disco bosses brought pressure to bear against the rival shops. By October, with no other choice of clothing, Ibiza's streets will be full of uniformly clad Pacha/Space/Privilege clones - just as they are in August!
