
They do. Even when you've been 'good' at the weekend.

Although remember, folks, it's our conceptualising of reality that's the problem rather than reality itself. ;)
:eek: a whaaaaaa ?! :lol:

There's naked reality and there's our conceptualising of it - dividing it up into different things - a phone, a spoon, you, everything that's not you, visualising things as solid objects (or holding on to the idea of a 'self') when in fact everything is in a constant state of flux.


And how does this help on a gloomy Monday morning? Just remember that when 'you' feel bad, there is no you. ;)
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There's naked reality and there's our conceptualising of it - dividing it up into different things - a phone, a spoon, you, everything that's not you, visualising things as solid objects (or holding on to the idea of a 'self') when in fact everything is in a constant state of flux.


And how does this help on a gloomy Monday morning? Just remember that when 'you' feel bad, there is no you. ;)

Did you swallow an oxford dictionary at the weekend by any chance?:lol:
Kind of like denial through detachment ?

My mate who started me on this buddhist shizzle said if he feels bad, he tries to remember (1) that there is no 'him' and that (2) he's just picked one point in time (the time that he feels bad) rather than seeing the 'whole'.

We can philosophise ourselves out of the Monday morning blues!
Monday... not so bad... have a head cold I need to shift before Ibiza NEXT WEEK!

Have spent the morning and early afternoon working hard... and in about an hour I shall hang up my stirrups and head to the beach.

For this I will focus on the elements of life... 'as a whole'...
sophie ive a head cold to that won't leave me and i go away in 2 weeks to ibiza, it better be gone by then thats all im saying haha
I f'in love that it's Monday today, it feels like a Friday because tomorrow I'm going to... IBIZAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
We can philosophise ourselves out of the Monday morning blues!

Ommmmmm.... nope, still attached today. Then the sun was out so happiness reigned. Now it's clouded over the fed-up feeling returns. Simples really - seek out the sun !
JV - To say you have confused me is an understatement :lol:

I'll try and explain it another way. Our minds are conditioned from birth. Why do some people (like me!) consider spiders scary while others see them for the mostly harmless creatures they are? I have a few arachnophobes (?) in my family, so perhaps that's why? They've passed their fears to me. We build up stories/ideas around objects, but those stories and ideas aren't necessarily in tune with what's 'real'.

So now we make the jump from spiders... to our assumptions about reality, ideas of self, objects being solid and unchanging, even life/death... we're conditioned to think about these things in a certain way, maybe in a way that helps us get on with everyday life, but that's not necessarily how things are.
I'll try and explain it another way. Our minds are conditioned from birth. Why do some people (like me!) consider spiders scary while others see them for the mostly harmless creatures they are? I have a few arachnophobes (?) in my family, so perhaps that's why? They've passed their fears to me. We build up stories/ideas around objects, but those stories and ideas aren't necessarily in tune with what's 'real'.

So now we make the jump from spiders... to our assumptions about reality, ideas of self, objects being solid and unchanging, even life/death... we're conditioned to think about these things in a certain way, maybe in a way that helps us get on with everyday life, but that's not necessarily how things are.

I agree
I'll try and explain it another way. Our minds are conditioned from birth. Why do some people (like me!) consider spiders scary while others see them for the mostly harmless creatures they are? I have a few arachnophobes (?) in my family, so perhaps that's why? They've passed their fears to me. We build up stories/ideas around objects, but those stories and ideas aren't necessarily in tune with what's 'real'.

So now we make the jump from spiders... to our assumptions about reality, ideas of self, objects being solid and unchanging, even life/death... we're conditioned to think about these things in a certain way, maybe in a way that helps us get on with everyday life, but that's not necessarily how things are.

Yeah but people are generally scared of spiders because we know there are some spiders that kill or can harm us to quite a nasty degree and i like most others probably dont wana risk picking one up, through fear of it biting me or doing something thats gona harm me...

Same with sharks :spank: etc etc