Monday morning....

I felt your pain on Saturday morning when I overdid the wine on friday night and ended up having to go to bed with one foot on the floor to anchor the spinning room.... :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: (havent done that in many a year!!)

Ahhh I hate that one, not done it for ages, thankfully.

Funnilly enough, Monday is one of my fave days Ibiza.
Well, I missed Monday morning altogether, sounds like i didn't miss much.
Just woke up after an excellent night at Space.
David Guetta on the new terrace dropping Nirvana....

Might have a bit of DC10 later.
Well, I missed Monday morning altogether, sounds like i didn't miss much.
Just woke up after an excellent night at Space.
David Guetta on the new terrace dropping Nirvana....

Might have a bit of DC10 later.

That post is bang out of order:lol::lol::lol::lol:
I had the worst night sleep last night, tossed and turned, tv came on then off.

I call it Sunday night syndrome, usually as a result of a long lie in on Sunday, last week was terrible and I was super tired on Monday but I slept ok last night so only had to have de-caf coffee this morning! I never arrange meetings on Mondays at work unless they are in the afternoon and I usually waste the first few hours of Monday morning trying to get to grips that I have another week of work :cry:
Ahhh I hate that one, not done it for ages, thankfully.

Funnilly enough, Monday is one of my fave days Ibiza.

Yeah - well the most embarrassing part of it was that I had indulged in a little bit of 'erb mon! :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:

That NEVER happens to me - well not since I was in my teens anyhoo.....
I was out my puss at the union tryin to touch some freshers last night and had to phone in for a day of annual leave today

and now ive got the dentist in an hour

so all round a pretty **** day
I call it Sunday night syndrome, usually as a result of a long lie in on Sunday, last week was terrible and I was super tired on Monday but I slept ok last night so only had to have de-caf coffee this morning! I never arrange meetings on Mondays at work unless they are in the afternoon and I usually waste the first few hours of Monday morning trying to get to grips that I have another week of work :cry:

You see I used to get that especially when I was new but the last 6 months Sunday nights have been fine, I have usually drifted off. But last night was bad.

I nearly resorted to the Kalms. :oops: