Moment of realisation!

you can see the "enigmatic" smile akin to the "Gio Condo"...hes thinking "i look great & cute" surprised he didnt suck his thumb and really go for the "awwwwwwww" factor!! :lol:
x-amount said:
jjinit said:
FunkyHouseKitten said:
Buckley said:
A thinly disguised "how me" weapon in the fittest member spotlight awards trail.....
I'm on to your tricks Monsiour Buckley..... ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jjinit its going to be a long and dirty road to the 2005 crown :confused: :lol: :lol:

I wonder what he's dreaming about????

Notice how he's going for the "intellectual vote" by posing next to a bookshelf!!! :lol:

Thats not the half of it.

It took him ages to sort out so we got his 'good side', and to find out what the most flattering lighting for him.

"No no, softer. Havent you got any 40 watt bulbs?"

We then had to retake it because we didn't get his flashy watch in.

All this just for a message board award. You can't blame the man for trying.

Well, your sacked as campaign manager for start Dan! :lol:

I've heard that JJ's only been put up as comedy character to bring his party down, a la Ali G in the House. Expect to see him being relieved by a blind council worker any time soon! :lol:

could have been an attempt to paint yourself as the "wholesome type" you could have been photograped next to reluctant screaming children a la sadaam hussain & george "dub-ya"
Do any of the posters on the thread, the artist formerly known as X-Amount aside, actually have nights out like this anymore?

I miss them but I'm not sure I could hold down a decent job if I still did...:lol:

The best of days though.8)
Do any of the posters on the thread, the artist formerly known as X-Amount aside, actually have nights out like this anymore?

I miss them but I'm not sure I could hold down a decent job if I still did...:lol:

The best of days though.8)

I have Le Freak Orange visiting this weekend - I might be posting similar photos come Monday - maybe I will talk him into dying his hair again :lol::lol::lol:
Nope, although Kang and I are still often awake at 6am on Sunday mornings

Hope life is good Buckers 8)
Nope, although Kang and I are still often awake at 6am on Sunday mornings

Hope life is good Buckers 8)

Very good mate.

How is the foal? Did you get my congrats text at the time? How old now?

Give my love to Karen too!
He'll be a year old next weekend - I probably did get your text when he was born but everything was bit hectic so apologies if I didn't reply :oops:

Let me know next time your in town and we'll grab a beer. Kang is good and sends her love.

I am pleased I had a moment of clarity that night and managed to get a shot of you "relaxing"
He'll be a year old next weekend - I probably did get your text when he was born but everything was bit hectic so apologies if I didn't reply :oops:

Let me know next time your in town and we'll grab a beer. Kang is good and sends her love.

I am pleased I had a moment of clarity that night and managed to get a shot of you "relaxing"

No worries - I'm sure you were in a flap!:lol:

PM me your number - new phone lost most and we'll have a booze-up. (If you've got a sitter!)
It was a bit quiet in the office yesterday (well rather I just felt like procrastinating) and so I came here and read a bunch of old posts. It really is true what they say about us living our lives online there days, pretty much every major event in my life for the last 5 years are here (and that's even with the demise of the fabled 'members' section).

Good times, a "So..." reunion must surely be overdue by now?