Moment of realisation!


Well-Known Member
Bugger - I think I might have been a terrible houseguest. The books in this photo reminded that on the very morning after So... (as pictured) Mr & Mrs Scoobie lent me a very good book. Then I thought: hang on, I forgot it, then I thought: mmm....I have a nagging image of me of knocking over a beer all over said treasured work of literary genius. But I'm not sure - Scoobie? Say it ain't So... (but I think it is :oops: )

A ex-associate of mine once puked and crapped all over his bed one night after a heavy session and when he woke up the next day he couldn't get off the bed as he was stuck to it.
Buckley said:
Bugger - I think I might have been a terrible houseguest. The books in this photo reminded that on the very morning after So... (as pictured) Mr & Mrs Scoobie lent me a very good book. Then I thought: hang on, I forgot it, then I thought: mmm....I have a nagging image of me of knocking over a beer all over said treasured work of literary genius. But I'm not sure - Scoobie? Say it ain't So... (but I think it is :oops: )


:lol: Brilliant
gecko2 said:
A ex-associate of mine once puked and crapped all over his bed one night after a heavy session and when he woke up the next day he couldn't get off the bed as he was stuck to it.

At least it was his own. A friend of mine came to stay when I lived in Manchester. As one of our house mates was away, the friend in question was offer his bed for the night. We got up after a night on the sauce to find said friend had yakked all the way along the hallway in a bid to reach the toilet. Ah well, we thought and dutifully cleaned up after our lightweight friend.

Matey gets that night home, knackered after a long journey, and slips straight between the sheets. Are should I say slides between the sheets, 'cos 'Tim-who-pukes-in yer-bed' (to give him his nom du plume ever since) has done just that and returned the bedclothes to the 'made' position. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(We were students - it never occured to us to wash them between them :lol:)
i spy a Ferd too...\\

once again, there is no photogaphic proof that i exist. excellent.

btw buckley, you missed the interesting, high blown, literary discussion we were having just before you 'woke up'.

lucky there were no students around otherwise it would have been the make-up and finger in a glass of water treatment for you
Buckley said:
A thinly disguised "how me" weapon in the fittest member spotlight awards trail.....
I'm on to your tricks Monsiour Buckley..... ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jjinit its going to be a long and dirty road to the 2005 crown :confused: :lol: :lol:
FunkyHouseKitten said:
Buckley said:
A thinly disguised "how me" weapon in the fittest member spotlight awards trail.....
I'm on to your tricks Monsiour Buckley..... ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jjinit its going to be a long and dirty road to the 2005 crown :confused: :lol: :lol:

I wonder what he's dreaming about????

Notice how he's going for the "intellectual vote" by posing next to a bookshelf!!! :lol:
SuperDevil did try and steal his jacket but the hair was left intact - it would have been a bit like cutting off Samsons hair to have cropped the mohican ;)
jjinit said:
FunkyHouseKitten said:
Buckley said:
A thinly disguised "how me" weapon in the fittest member spotlight awards trail.....
I'm on to your tricks Monsiour Buckley..... ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jjinit its going to be a long and dirty road to the 2005 crown :confused: :lol: :lol:

I wonder what he's dreaming about????

Notice how he's going for the "intellectual vote" by posing next to a bookshelf!!! :lol:

Thats not the half of it.

It took him ages to sort out so we got his 'good side', and to find out what the most flattering lighting for him.

"No no, softer. Havent you got any 40 watt bulbs?"

We then had to retake it because we didn't get his flashy watch in.

All this just for a message board award. You can't blame the man for trying.