comin' at ya
New Member
Is there a number I can text to win a card that guarantee's I WONT be anywhere near Judge Cheese ?? 

markEg said:i agree - I seen him play up here at Ministry a few weeks ago and had an excellent night - shit hot, thumping house - didn't *beep* up a mix once and had the place going from the minute the doors opened till 10 minutes after it was supposed to close.
He gets a lot of stick for being too commercial n that but to hell with it, don't care what anyone says - I still enjoy going to hear his sets and won't miss him if he plays anywhere that I'm able to go to!!!
ksixty9 said:if you know where the event is why do you need to have a gold card what is the diffrance it it's a pre party for the evetn the you don't pay anyway.