middle east/africa

The firm I work for have done lots of very profitable work over the past few years with Libya, one of our sites was ransacked (although we said good bye at concept design).

Ruthless negotiators who know what they are doing. Often with degrees from ivy league uni's (although we all know that counts for nothing ;)).

The contracts all default to Gadaffis green book, thank fully we never had to test that one in law.

Agree with the above, that a revolution from within was always the best case - so long as the end result is a democratic, secular state. Better the devil you know & on one appears to have any idea what the make up of the oppoisition is in these countries.

Interesting point from andrew sullivan in the times, no USA flags being burnt any where. The passive strategic stance of Obama bearing fruit?

No USA flag burning is because these are popular uprisings based on local need/desires versus outside political agitation. When it comes down to it everyone want basic human rights and freedom.