Mexican war on drugs.

taxes are put on everything. Look at the billions that go under ground in the drug trade now. There would be better quality and it would be safer for consumers.
Screw the Media...I Still Love Mexico!!!!!

Okay...I had to sign back on because quite frankly I'm pissed off. The media makes it seem like Mexico's the most dangerous place in the world. The majority of the violence is happening in Mexico City and the border cities. My friend and I traveled by bus from Cancun to San Cristobal stopping off at various cities along the way.

No problem.

We went to an underground party at a cenote in Tulum and were serenaded by mariachis on a ferry ride from Cancun to Isla Mujeres. :D I think you'll be fine traveling unless you're planning on dealing drugs. Mexico's such a beautiful country and it hurts me so to see how this unfair portrayal has led to a drop in tourism.

Then again...

I'm getting dirt cheap airfare and $9/night hotels so maybe this isn't a bad thing!!!!!

Yeah...Mexico's REAL dangerous!! Please stay away. hehe

Quite a few people feel the media's being unfair. Check out:



If your a little queasy I dont recommend clicking. Otherwise there are some interesting pictures and facts relating to the drugs war in Mexico. Jeez its bad over there :eek:

One picture of a bust with a room with 205 million dollars in cash :eek: 8)

Another of the cops burning 134 tonnes of cannabis (I'd take my gas mask of for sure :D)

Then the rest is of tonnes more drugs siezed, gold plated guns, more cash, more drugs and a load of executed people.
I don't think anyone is saying that all of Mexico is dangerous, Rebecca.

Most of the news reports I've read about this are focused on the border cities (from Tijuana to Juarez). I've not seen much of anything about the tourist areas along the Mayan Riviera (Cancun to Playa del Carmen). I've been down there and love that part of the country.

That said, there have been a few incidents on the West Coast resorts. Those incidents get a lot of press (usually because they're gruesome!) but they appear to be somewhat rare.
Cool. It just hurts to see how this bad press is affecting tourism in Mexico. BTW Morbyd- Your reviews are quite entertaining! :p

I don't think anyone is saying that all of Mexico is dangerous, Rebecca.

Most of the news reports I've read about this are focused on the border cities (from Tijuana to Juarez). I've not seen much of anything about the tourist areas along the Mayan Riviera (Cancun to Playa del Carmen). I've been down there and love that part of the country.

That said, there have been a few incidents on the West Coast resorts. Those incidents get a lot of press (usually because they're gruesome!) but they appear to be somewhat rare.
Heavy stuff aye! ... when traveling through Central America earlier this year, i was shocked at how big the gun culture is there! - had a few issues myself, both of which wasn't anything to do with drugs, but I'm sure in the background it played a very big part!

When leaving Bocas Del Toro for Panama City on the news was a BIG drug bust, some 30 million dollars worth of cocaine was seized off the coast of Panama heading to Mexico from Colombia ... the locals laughed it off explaining, this little amount caught is nothing compared to the 100million + getting through!

I see in 1of the pics there, police test cocaine found in Cartagena, Colombia ... we tried some of Cartagena's finest when passing through ... Jesus Chriiiiist is all I'll say! :eek: :lol:
Two wrongs don't make a right. Until something is done about the huge profits that are made on both sides of "the war on drugs" The deaths and killing will continue.

Just leaves me speechless, tbh .. now ain't that something ! :) ...

Heavy stuff aye! ... when traveling through Central America earlier this year, i was shocked at how big the gun culture is there! - had a few issues myself, both of which wasn't anything to do with drugs, but I'm sure in the background it played a very big part!

When leaving Bocas Del Toro for Panama City on the news was a BIG drug bust, some 30 million dollars worth of cocaine was seized off the coast of Panama heading to Mexico from Colombia ... the locals laughed it off explaining, this little amount caught is nothing compared to the 100million + getting through!

I see in 1of the pics there, police test cocaine found in Cartagena, Colombia ... we tried some of Cartagena's finest when passing through ... Jesus Chriiiiist is all I'll say! :eek: :lol:

Somewhat further from the Mexican issues but it's true guns are part of life in Central America and Colombia. I've been to Panama many times, though, and the country is actually very safe (except perhaps in the Darien). The country has some of the strictest anti-money laundering regulations in the world and a zero-tolerance policy on drug possession - if caught you go to jail, simple as.

Mexico is a route for drugs into the US, but truth is a great deal of the drugs that end up in Europe which originate in that region are refined in West Africa where narco-states with no effective border controls ruled by warlords provide a perfect environment for channelling supplies and others harbour huge refineries. They never go near Mexico or Central America. If you really want to see the contributing damage cocaine in particular can do to a society, take a trip to Guinea-Bissau - where child rape and molestation has become virtually a way of life. Or look at Cape Verde in recent years ... very little being achieved there for all the money spent elsewhere. :(

On the whole, I am also very fond of Colombia and Colombians, most of whom are enterprising and hard-working and are some of the warmest, fun-loving people I've ever met. Yes, there are guns but let's face it you're unlikely to get robbed at a cashpoint in Bogota at 3am when 2 security guys with AK-47s are flanking you and the balaclava-clad MP-guys in the old town will happily share a joke with you as you're walking back to your hotel. Have also tried some of Colombia's finest in Cartagena .. but chemical substances had nothing to do with it ;)
I enjoyed my travels to central and south america. The making drugs illegal has brought crime all over the globe. If it was legal and treated like a cash crop the world would be better.
I thought it is a safe town,everybody knows that the families of the big bosses are living there,
(guzman lives there too,i was told)and a agreement has been made made by authorities,police
and carcels,no business,violence at Queretaro:!:

next to my factory(500 meters) 840 t

i walked by there very often:eek:
cant wait for september,to see bodies beheaded hanging of the bridges:oops:
I'm going travelling in mexico next year.... how safe is it for tourists? I know you have to be cautious, don't flash anything expensive etc. But are the horror stories true or is it just scare-mongering?