Mexican war on drugs.


Active Member
If your a little queasy I dont recommend clicking. Otherwise there are some interesting pictures and facts relating to the drugs war in Mexico. Jeez its bad over there :eek:

One picture of a bust with a room with 205 million dollars in cash :eek: 8)

Another of the cops burning 134 tonnes of cannabis (I'd take my gas mask of for sure :D)

Then the rest is of tonnes more drugs siezed, gold plated guns, more cash, more drugs and a load of executed people.
I've been following this lately, it's like civil war over there!

Whole police forces handing their badges in because they feel outgunned, must be an awful place to live at the moment.
The war on drugs will never be won.
It's more than a war on drugs at this point, isn't it?

It's a battle for control of the country. Will it be the elected government or armed gangs?

The death toll is frightening. Tens of thousands. Whole families massacred. And the worst part is, there's no end in sight because as soon as you cut off one head of the hydra another appears.
it's more than a war on drugs at this point, isn't it?

It's a battle for control of the country. Will it be the elected government or armed gangs?

The death toll is frightening. Tens of thousands. Whole families massacred. And the worst part is, there's no end in sight because as soon as you cut off one head of the hydra another appears.

nice classical reference :d
The war on drugs is a stupid waste of money. If you legalize it you will take the allure and crime away and add a tax base. 18 and over the alcohol and tobacco. Two drugs that kill more people than illegal substances. In america if the government took the money from the war on drugs they could give free college educations to any who wanted one. The war on drugs has created an industry; prisons, money laundering, arms market, and corruption. The market for drugs will be there. The war on drugs is a failure of epic proportion, just like prohibition.:spank:
The war on drugs is a stupid waste of money. If you legalize it you will take the allure and crime away and add a tax base. 18 and over the alcohol and tobacco. Two drugs that kill more people than illegal substances. In america if the government took the money from the war on drugs they could give free college educations to any who wanted one. The war on drugs has created an industry; prisons, money laundering, arms market, and corruption. The market for drugs will be there. The war on drugs is a failure of epic proportion, just like prohibition.:spank:

The governments of the west and the us are waging wars all around the globe that will never be won. They are fighting these wars in the name of terror, drugs and (add any other bs that might sound dangerous. It sure is screwed up.
The governments of the west and the us are waging wars all around the globe that will never be won. They are fighting these wars in the name of terror, drugs and (add any other bs that might sound dangerous. It sure is screwed up.

Rarely do i share an apinion but i sure do hell agree with your comment ;) Maybe we the General Public should make a war against our World Leaders thus hopefully ousting the arseholes that are destroying our Planet.

Religion and Politics can live side by side and their's proof, but not when twats like those running the US, UK and France are at the helm.
The governments love a good drug war anyway.

What else would they spend their money on? Plus they can stay firmly rooted into that country.

For all the drug busts and seizures how many get through that they turn a blind eye to? They may win the odd battle but ultimately they are losing the war.

Another book on this subject - Amexica.
by making drugs legal you open up a whole new demograph to drug-use. whilst drugs may not be more harmful than alcohol/cigarettes, if more people use them it will lead to more drug-related physical and mental health problems and put more strain on already stretched health-care systems.

in the developed world we could probably cope, but what about in less-developed countries with little or no health care. they would never be able to cope.

that's not actually my opinion, but i found it a very interesting opposing view to the popular legalise-it and solve all problems movement.
by making drugs legal you open up a whole new demograph to drug-use. whilst drugs may not be more harmful than alcohol/cigarettes, if more people use them it will lead to more drug-related physical and mental health problems and put more strain on already stretched health-care systems.

in the developed world we could probably cope, but what about in less-developed countries with little or no health care. they would never be able to cope.

yeah, but imagine the party!!
by making drugs legal you open up a whole new demograph to drug-use. whilst drugs may not be more harmful than alcohol/cigarettes, if more people use them it will lead to more drug-related physical and mental health problems and put more strain on already stretched health-care systems.

But this sort of view seems to be based on an assumption that everyone will use every newly legal drug on top of booze and fags. The reality is that many people only have a few drugs that suit them. (I know what mine are. :lol:) Also people who choose to do drugs on a night out will probably do so instead of booze (depending on the drug!) rather than have ten beers on top of three pills.
When prohibition ended the whole of the USA didn't become drunks. Society will give most people a moral compass. I think the up side would out way any health concerns. If I could go to my local today and purchase anything I wanted? I would still get a few bottles of Cab, merlo, and cognac. The special occasions I would get something to smoke. I think by and large people would do the same.
The special occasions I would get something to smoke. I think by and large people would do the same.

Thats until the governments levy too much tax on them (to put people off it obviously) and then they go underground anyway.

I'll have a bottle of chateauneuf du pape, a paket of marlboros, a gram of Columbias finest, and 5 grams of your finest skunk please. :D