Messed up with first trip to Ibiza...

Usually find with lads that 1 or 2 people in a group do the researching and everyone else enjoys the ride!

Maybe they didn't have that 'boring' person ;)
Almost had just as bad a time on my first visit back in '99.

I had just got a promotion at work, desperately wanted to go on hol, found Ibz all inclusive for a week in late June for just under 350 as a late deal. Booked for me and my best mate (a girl). Her bf decided he didn't like the idea of us going away, despite the fact we were as close as siblings, so he booked too, and another lass booked also.

it had the makings for a top holiday.... except for the fact that my best mate was up the duff but didn't know it, and was having raging hormonal bouts, her Bf was seriously stressed as his mum was due to have a major op while we were away and the other girl had loads of baggage too.

long and short of it... my first ever holiday away from the 'rents saw us sunbathe all day first day, spend all evening laid out on a double bed top to tail ooing and arring in various states of third degree burn and the second day sat in the room playing cards... frigging cards... I was 20 dammit!

decided to ditch the lot of them and go it alone, it was a scary thought, but decided id got nothing to lose, ended up tagging myself onto a large group that had formed in our hotel consisting of two fitties from Hereford (one of whom had a mission to go through (or be gone through by) every lad in the hotel), two 30 something blokes from Derby, a complete mentalist woman with a serious shoe fettish and her gay friend from north Wales (seriously, we had to BEG a shop owner not to re-open at 1am when she was pissed and perving at his display) and a group of 5 lads from somewhere down near kent.

All in all, it turned into the best 5 days of my life... made so many memories that i'll never forget. Every night was drinking games on the free booze in the hotel, then a wander into san an for food and dodgems before hitting the packed west end. One night we did Eden and another was es paradis. Sadly, it was all way before the days of facebook, and non of us kept in touch.