merry christmas - enter all positive goodwill, etc, peace on earth, etc

merry christmas everyone - not a xmas fan myself, but still, hope you all have a good festive period...

...and all the best for 2012!
Merry Xmas Ya'll

Enjoy the pagan festivities without letting the story of some reasonably cool dude from ancient times clouding the debauchery

the music was great in 2011, here's to 2012
Wishing everyone Peace and prosperity of soul for 2012.

Have a good time wherever you are. 8).
Some cheery Christmas posts in this thread :lol:

Merry Christmas, everyone!
(and a merry f***king Christmas to you, Becki ;))

I hope you've all got your friends &/or family around this weekend, enjoy a suitable feast, get a decent gift or two, and take time out to reflect on how lucky we are to have made it through another year still knocking about this rock of ours.

2012 will rock. That is a must.