

Active Member
Every town has them. What legends are in your town? :lol:

(I am fully aware they have serious issues, and it does break my heart seeing them, but it does make me chuckle in my somewhat mundane day to day life)
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Every town has them. What legends are in your town? :lol:

(I am fully aware they have serious issues, and it does break my heart seeing them, but it does my me chuckle in my somewhat mundane day to day life)

Theres a woman thats either mental or on something and she wanders round Southend High St with some other subject, asking for money off people or for a cigarette. She came up to us once and was like "got a fag babe, fag babe, fag babe"

We were like :eek:


We have Penny Picker Steve too, he frequents the high st at night picking up loose change. Hes got so famous he has his own group on Facebook and people even throw money at him :lol:
in liverpool there are loads of these types. the likes of purple aki i suppose.

but the best is the tramp that looks like father christmas and plays a cornflake box with an elastic band round it as a guitar (and makes c.£100 in change on a wknd night!)
excuse the picture, I didn't want to get caught taking it :lol:

He stands here every single day!


There is also a man hanging about near Holborn pushing a huge shopping trolley full of thousands of empty shopping bags!
theres a bloke called "Tigerman" who has walked around in Combat fatigues and a red beret for the last 25yrs.

i walked past him a couple of weeks ago in my photography camo gear and he pretended he got shot and said "got me".

funk knows what thats all about...

and according to someones post on some forum...

"According to some of my crueler friends he will pull an imaginary machine gun and start shooting if you shout "GRENADE!"

thats my weekend sorted.
When I lived in Jesmond as a student there was a guy who would walk the streets - all suited up - very clean and tidy in himself, picking up any rubbish he saw - dog ends, plastic bags, tin cans anything and everything and would put it in his Body Shop hessian bag, and he always had a Beagle dog with him who was gorgeous - oh, and he used to get very angy and shake his fist a lot too....

Anyway this is like 22 years ago. Now I work in Jesmond and I walk to the shops quite regularly and I still see him - still doing the same litter picking - BUT strangely enough he looks like he has the same beagle too :eek::eek: Obviously its not - cos that would make the dog about 24 but the dog looks soooo old -

I secretly admire him for being an enviro - mentalist before everyone else.... 8)8)8)
theres a bloke called "Tigerman" who has walked around in Combat fatigues and a red beret for the last 25yrs.

i walked past him a couple of weeks ago in my photography camo gear and he pretended he got shot and said "got me".

funk knows what thats all about...

and according to someones post on some forum...

"According to some of my crueler friends he will pull an imaginary machine gun and start shooting if you shout "GRENADE!"

thats my weekend sorted.


Huge as this city is, we've got tons.

There's one guy, about 5 feet tall, always dirty, constantly mumbling to himself and clearly out of it, who comes in and out of the monastery next door to my office.

Whenever he walks by me standing outside on a cig break, he smiles, points and mumbles something completely unintelligible. Freaks me out!
I see this man on the 38 bus in the morning.... every time someone bleeps their oyster card he also has to bleep on the top of his voice :lol:

Yesterday a man was sitting on the bus swearing and hurling abuse at his book, when I saw what he was reading it was a homemade pornographic booklet :confused::eek:
theres a "bloke" whos looks about 50 odd, has ginger frizzy hair and wears a dress leggings, pink cardie and carries about a radio and ALWAYS has his headphones on...

plus lots of others who walk past me when im having a cheeky tab outside work.

i swear theres a mental institution nearby..
I was in harlow once and saw this dodgy chinese fellah, with big hair, dressed in combat clothes, come out of a bookies, cursing to himself he then strode off down the street and started trying to break into some hairdressers car!!!!

There is a guy in our town who must be AT LEAST 75, but still walks around in the tiniest pair of denim hotpants you ever did see. And a denim waistcoat. And nothing else. It's quite disturbingly hilarious!