Stacey Axx said:
I'll get on the net 2nite and look out for a sim card. Will people back home beable to contact me on it? I'm with Vodafone at the mo so I'll have to get that sorted with them.
I can't beleive I'm actually going away at the moment, it all seems like a dream! Suppose it won't hit me till I'm on the plane!
I've got a week off from work b4 I go so I've got plenty of time to pack! Did you travel quite lightly? And where did you do your washing?
Also can you name any more permanent places to live after my tempory accomadation runs out?
I'm glad to hear your family are ok, you've been such a great help with everything!!
Speak soon hun xx
Hey babe, another day at work under your belt, one less to deal with!!!
Getting a Spanish sim just means a new number for you, everything else stays the same, friends/family can still contact you by voice or text and you can do the same back.
You just got to watch the rates, if u know where to look you can find a sim where ALL incoming calls are free to you and you get some free credit to start you off. Texts to the UK are usually about 40p each and calls to UK around 40p minute so you'll need to keep a limit on them - trust me, I've seen plenty of girlies in Ibiza who were working all hours and most of their money was going on topping up their phones!! Crazy

This sounds really hard but you really need to put the UK and everyone here to the back of your mind while you're out there otherwise you'll end up running out of money very quickly
But just make sure your phone is unlocked to all networks before you leave!!! Remember, Vodafone won't help you with that, you'll need to fix that yourself

But definitely try and get your existing contract suspended.
I didn't travel that light hun, took everything I needed for the time I was out there, the last thing you wanna be doing out there is spending your cash on things that you could have brought from home for free.
Where did I wash my dirty undies?

Well for the first couple of weeks when you're in temp accom you're just treating it as a holiday anyway - its a sink, soap and hot water job if you need to. Once you're in permanent accom you should have a washing machine anyway? (I did) but if you don't there are plenty of Dot Cotton type launderettes dotted about
As for permanent accom, every year I've been out there I managed to land a job where the nightclub owner provided some accommodation so I've never had to go means you work for next to nothing and live off tips but you get a place to live rent free. Plus you get loads of free passes to foam parties and stuff

Thats your best option. But if not......
You'll almost definitely need to share and you'll have no trouble finding, say, two girlies already in a 3 bedroomed apartment who are looking for a 3rd person to share the rent. Don't listen to anyone who tells you its hard to find accom, they're just fussy
That's my 2 euros of advice for today babe, if you want any more advice let me know or pm me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx