Mashed in charge of a credit card

Not mashed, but I've just given the card a spanking and booked back to Ibiza for 4 nights in August, just a day after arriving home.
Not mashed, but I've just given the card a spanking and booked back to Ibiza for 4 nights in August, just a day after arriving home.

Respect - you're totally forgiven for that one ! One trip a year is definitely not enough.

Did the same after returning from May Bank Holiday trip (got home and couldn't bear the thought of not having another trip booked). Was supposed to travel out yesterday but mate and I both ended up binning our flights due to clients' unreasonable last-minute demands for our presence :rolleyes: ... so beavering away trying to hawk out a window for a sneaky one that's less vulnerabe to hijack !!
I did 2 weeks in Ibiza spanking my card and thinking i "would worry about it when i got home" I didn't keep any reciepts, barely remember withdrawing most of the money and when i ran out of cash i just used my card for rounds. I was mashed and pissed almost non stop for the whole time and in the days of carry ons you could pretty much go for 3 days with only a couple of hours sleep on a sunlounger somewhere. The credit card bill was over 5 grand and that was when you could almost get 2 Euros to the pound :eek:

:p And did you work out the unwritten credit card in Ibiza rules without the aid of a debt counsellor, Trance Express ?
Did 3 weeks in Ibiza spanked my cards to the tune of 8K, I paid for most nights before my trip and was all inclusive at my hotel thinking I wold save money when I was in Ibiza. That plan failed, I did arrive home feeling like I was run over by a herd of elephants for about a week. 3 weeks in Ibiza going hard is too much for the body and bank book, I loved every minute of it.
Chinny reckon to some of the posts in this thread. :lol:

I woke up on a nightbus on the moon and NASA asked me if wanted to an astronaut because I'm the first person to be able to breathe unaided up there, but I said no, I'm making sh1tloads in the drainage industry!
I woke up on a nightbus on the moon and NASA asked me if wanted to an astronaut because I'm the first person to be able to breathe unaided up there, but I said no, I'm making sh1tloads in the drainage industry!

Name for the show " Are you being sewer-ed?"
I woke up on a nightbus on the moon and NASA asked me if wanted to an astronaut because I'm the first person to be able to breathe unaided up there, but I said no, I'm making sh1tloads in the drainage industry!


Actually crying :lol:
On my way home from DC10 some years back I thought it was a great idea to stop the cab at a telebanco at a closed mall and no people around. When I punched in the pin code I felt a strong urge to go and empty my bladder around the corner since it was too crazy back at the club :) In my mind I saw the card and money ready to be taken and continue into the night but the telebanco had eaten my card and my money... :D

So do as the op says and leave your cards at home!

But then again... The worst case of credit card vs telebanco I've seen in Ibiza was two italian guys in the middle of the day trying to take out cash at a telebanco somewhere in Figueretes. Sure, it looked like a telebanco with the sign and all and with a slot in the wall to take out your money but somehow the telebanco was gone on the other side of the wall. Despite that the italians inserted their card which just ended up inside the compartment where the telebanco should've been and it was impossible for them to get their card back :D
In my mind I saw the card and money ready to be taken and continue into the night but the telebanco had eaten my card and my money...

Alternatively, you may have made someone very happy that night ?:?::lol:

The worst case of credit card vs telebanco I've seen in Ibiza was two italian guys in the middle of the day trying to take out cash at a telebanco somewhere in Figueretes

That is quite :eek: in itself ! They'd heard that to get a smaller swimsuit you had to pay in cash ?

So do as the op says and leave your cards at home!

Thanks for this DrHierbas - spot on !
OK – here's a personal one from my own 'yesteryear' of hard lessons in life ….

After getting very mashed at a house party over a couple of days, woke up on board a flight in First Class :eek: and didn't have a clue where it was going or how I got there :confused: (things were different then – more tolerant than now !!). Had to ask the cabin crew where we were headed for ….

Turned out it was a flight from London to New York (?!!!) in March (@#&*#)..:eek: :eek: .. found out later I had apparently rung up and paid for it over the phone with a credit card and insisted the party host explain to the “free” limo driver how to get there to pick me up.. had no idea whereabouts the party I was at actually was…. :oops:

I'd also apparently insisted on a smoking seat (those were the days eh ?!) and thrown a Naomi Campbell tantrum on the phone :x when I was told they were all already allocated.. had agreed to travel only on the strict proviso that they found me somewhere to smoke … :rolleyes:

On arriving at the other end I had nothing with me except my passport and wallet, and was wearing a rather large (female) friend's leather jacket :eek: which was 3 sizes too big for me :lol:

.. nothing for it but to stay awhile and "sort my life out" before coming home and facing the music :p ;) :twisted:..
After a McEnroe moment at the airport cocktail bar, and being told the nearest place I'd get served was Canada, I took the throw-away literally and bought a round-trip ticket to Montreal to get my whistle wet.. arrived with no hotel room and went straight to Le Chateau du Sexe (Rue St Catherine-Ouest I think) thinking I'd spend the night there instead. Things didn't go quite according to plan ..
waiting for part # 3.....
waiting for part # 3.....

- u know the rest, :spank: !!

Not nearly p***ed enough to post that here !!!
Could be age, could be my inherent miserly tendencies, but I've never had a major episode with my debit or credit cards no matter how wasted I've been.

I still think it's the best way to travel. Never carry more cash than I need to (although I do tend to pay cash in nightclubs)

No text messages are another matter entirely....
im very much as the texting:)

have had many stories/seen loads of credit cards being severely hammered whilst on football trips...

a general rule of thumb...dont believe the friendly eastern european guy you've just met who says he knows a much better strippers/brothel down the road....usually ends up with the doors being locked, 2 big heavies, guns on the table and people having a whip round to get cash out to save your pals arse.