New Member
Is anybody bothering with Manumission this year, after their poor performance last year???

A crap night, but the most expensive!!!!

No not done it for a few years now, if I'm going to do anything I will do the Carry On on a Tues morning.
think thats a good idea. Went twice last year, god knows why. and dont like they try and cram the whole of ibiza in that club, all squashed up as it is and they're still letting ppl in by the hundreds!!!
Went to the after party of the closing party in sept, had an excellent time there.
from waht i have herd!

;) manumission after-party is better than manumission it's self.

so go some where else the do the after party,
I went last year, wasn't impressed and won't be going back this year unless I hear some good reviews of this years performance before I go. Hopefully after last year was so crap the organiesers might put some more effort in and pull something good out of the bag?!! Stranger things have happened!

If I hear there has been no improvement then I'll be poppin down to Roger Sanchez since for some reason last year I never made it to Pacha!