Manumission Candy Girls


New Member
Anyone here been a Manumission Candy Girl over the past years? I've knew a few of them briefly whilst working out there and found out some very interesting stories about what their job had to involve etc. A few dirtbag tales :lol: to be honest!!! Anyone dish the dirt? :twisted:
A friend/acquaintance was a Manumisson girl last year.....seemed to be having the time of her life the couple of times I saw her over there.

She's a bit of a starf*cker though, so probably was just what they're after if you're suggesting what I'm thinking.............
A little of what I was getting at!!!! :lol: But have heard some other funny/dodgy/going ons!!!!! I heard that they are not looked after that well by the Manumission crew but don't know if thats true or not, oh well! :rolleyes:

Hey...maybe thats an idea for a post...hows about all the people who have worked in Ibiza give us their job experiences and dish the dirt on good and bad employers! Or maybe not!!! Go on...some start it!! :twisted:
i think i saw one post talking about employees having to pay when they worked there...... if that's true...... THAT'S HORRIBLE! They seem more money hungry then the clubs here, and that's scary haha
Yeah...funny story: we ran into Pete Gooding sister and a bunch of her friends at Renaissance one night...of course THEY had VIP access and we did not, we bumped into one of her friends later in the night and we started talkin about the Amnesia dancers (CUZ THEY'RE SOOOOO FRICKIN HOT!!!!) and he told me that when they were up there, they saw a lady who would direct the dancers towards clients, the dancers would then proceed to go and give the VIP's lap dances and such...they asked Pete why the dancers were'nt givin THEM any lap dances and Pete was like: they're prostitutes!! Now i dont like having rash opinions of others i don't know...but i could see it ;) Is this true??? R dancers at Amnesia all hookerz? And if there R any that R'nt hookers, how do u hook up wif them, do they just stick together in their hottie Amnesia dancer gangs when they go out? Infiltrating a group of hotties is like a suicide mission...heh.

str8 from Canada baby!! said:
Yeah...funny story: we ran into Pete Gooding sister and a bunch of her friends at Renaissance one night...of course THEY had VIP access and we did not, we bumped into one of her friends later in the night and we started talkin about the Amnesia dancers (CUZ THEY'RE SOOOOO FRICKIN HOT!!!!) and he told me that when they were up there, they saw a lady who would direct the dancers towards clients, the dancers would then proceed to go and give the VIP's lap dances and such...they asked Pete why the dancers were'nt givin THEM any lap dances and Pete was like: they're prostitutes!! Now i dont like having rash opinions of others i don't know...but i could see it ;) Is this true??? R dancers at Amnesia all hookerz? And if there R any that R'nt hookers, how do u hook up wif them, do they just stick together in their hottie Amnesia dancer gangs when they go out? Infiltrating a group of hotties is like a suicide mission...heh.


I can so believe this to be true...i wouldn't imagine the manumission girls are much different.
sad really.
there are some fit, stunning women up there dancing right, and I could imagine that being so open and wanting people to watch them - then they´d have no problem passing their own flesh around either :eek: yuk... poor souls
I've known dancers at Amnesia, Manumission to be ho's, and you get quite a few at Space on a Sunday morning too.
ibiza_lou said:
Closely followed by the Lashed girls!!!! :evil: Rrrraaa!!! Whoops! :twisted:

I know a Lashed girl and she definitely isn't a ho. Perhaps we shouldn't generalise folks, eh?
Yeah man...i hate people who generalise.

By the way did you lot know that ALL people from Scotland stink of piss! :eek:

*runs for the door*
Woah! Steady on chaps! DIDN'T say ALL but obviously just SOME I met in the summer. Everyones allowed an opinion so enuf of the silly banter! :lol:
ibiza_lou said:
Woah! Steady on chaps! DIDN'T say ALL but obviously just SOME I met in the summer. Everyones allowed an opinion so enuf of the silly banter! :lol:

Only p*ssing around Lou, no worries ;) . (Although you did say 'The Lashed Girls', not 'some of', but won't be pedantic. Ok, I just have.)
Ya never know, I might quite fancy donin' a pair of french knickers one day and walking the streets of San An - ya really neva know!!! Oooo sauce! :twisted: :D :twisted: :D :twisted: :oops: :D :twisted: :D
S Express said:
Yeah man...i hate people who generalise.

By the way did you lot know that ALL people from Scotland stink of piss! :eek:

*runs for the door*

It's true! What can I say? :lol:
I work in a club with a girl who did a stint as a manumission girl last year. It didn't last long. They don't get paid very much money at all and some of the girls do make money other ways. Not sure about the prostitute thing but helping known dealers out is not uncommon.
Yeah, I had heard some cheeky things like that too.... The thing is SOMETHING must be appealing as I know 3 of the girls went back for a second year with the Candy Girls.

Must say that the fannying about they all used to do on the San An beach with those HUUUUGE Scrabble letters was crap if anyone remembers seeing that?

Oh well, I'm sure they will reign again this summer! :rolleyes:
Why is it that if you offer somebody f**k all money to do a s**t job with s**t hours then no-one is interested yet if you add the word 'Manumission' you suddenly have a queue.

Like Manumission is any good anyway. It will never cease to amaze me.
Wow! I can't believe how many views this post has had!!!!! :D As you said...mention Manumission and everyone goes crayyyyzeeeee!!!! :lol: :confused: :lol: