Manoa Bar in PDB closed by police

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Active Member
Yesterday at about 11pm the police forced the Manola Bar to close. All guests had to leave the bar and the staff (their bags and pockets) were checked by the police. Let's see if it opens today again...
rumour has it the police were carrying drugs in bags out of manoa and the whole staff is in jail at the moment!
rumour has it the police were carrying drugs in bags out of manoa and the whole staff is in jail at the moment!

I think that they got not that much because the guys on the street who are trying to pull you in the bar have left 1 min before arrival of the police...

Manoa is next to Granja Dunes and Raza Clubber.
At the beginning they forced the clubs to close, now they close the bars ...

at the end they close our hotels and fincas and force us to go home :spank:
Manoa ... a bloody chemist ...
"... investigation, developed by agents of the National Body of Police
adhering to the Special Group Against the Crime Organized ...,
was initiated in July after detecting several intoxications among foreign citizens
by consumption of ecstacy and crystal in Platja d´in Bossa ..."

6 people from manoa in jail and they found:
860 ecstacy ("lv"),
170 grams of cocaine,
400 grams of crystal,
1.5 kilograms of hashish
and more than 36,653 euro (!)

manoa-owners pretend they know nothing :lol:
and the workers ("prs" etc) did it secretly ...
i was kicking about at the time it happenened. Never seen it though. Was speaking to the local british folk. And they say it was the italian authorities came over to do it. It was not the only raid that week in that street.

Theres not much british left in pdb anymore
6 people from manoa in jail and they found:

860 ecstacy ("lv"),
170 grams of cocaine,
400 grams of crystal,
1.5 kilograms of hashish
and 36,653 euro (!)

manoa-owners pretend they know nothing :lol:
and the workers ("prs" etc) did it secretly ...
the 6 manoa-people in prison denied that they distributed any type of drug
and they assured that the substances found in the localities were
:lol: :lol: for their own consumption :lol: :lol:
... (
"... investigation, developed by agents of the National Body of Police
adhering to the Special Group Against the Crime Organized ...,
was initiated in July after detecting several intoxications among foreign citizens
by consumption of ecstacy and crystal in Platja d´in Bossa ..."

6 people from manoa in jail and they found:
860 ecstacy ("lv"),
170 grams of cocaine,
400 grams of crystal,
1.5 kilograms of hashish
and more than 36,653 euro (!)

manoa-owners pretend they know nothing :lol:
and the workers ("prs" etc) did it secretly ...

As told I was sitting in the Manoa Bar when the guardia civil arrived. I wondered some minutes before where all the PR guys were.

Yesterday I visited Manoa again and the whole staff has changed. So I beleive they got not everyone of the team and probably not the boss.

Rumors tell that interpol had been involved in this case too but I haven't seen any interpol guys... Maybe only rumors.

But one thing I must say:
The behavior of the PRs changed from year to year to more excessive. This year it was already really ugly watching them because they always jumped around and the kitchen paper role has been used every 5 seconds...
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Is Manoa that bar where the tall french guy and the small italian guy worked in front of it (to sell tickets etc.)? Have those two also been arrested?
Is Manoa that bar where the tall french guy and the small italian guy worked in front of it (to sell tickets etc.)? Have those two also been arrested?
Sounds like you're talking about Tantra (On the same side of the street as Space, about halfway between Space and Bora Bora)
Is Manoa that bar where the tall french guy and the small italian guy worked in front of it (to sell tickets etc.)? Have those two also been arrested?

interpol, tall frenchman and a small italian!

i heard colonel mustard was involved...
"... The six workers, arrested the past day 20 in the framework of an operation
that permitted to dismantle "an important drugs sale point" of Platja d´in Bossa,
were judicial available positions Saturday afternoon.
... After listening its testimony, the Attorney General's Office requested
the income in provisional PRISON WITHOUT BAIL FOR ALL of them,
a precautionary measure ..."

in wouldn´t want to go to jail - especially not in ibiza.
reminds me of the movie ...
..."midnight express":


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