Man City FC

after the result yesterday I went and sat in the garden with Naiya, then after 5 mins of her chuckling and gurgling at me..........I realised that I am still the winner!!! :D

Same for me too these days, the kids have a great way of putting things into perspective for you don't they :)
Same for me too these days, the kids have a great way of putting things into perspective for you don't they :)

picking the 4 year old up the other day and the teacher pulls me aside saying "can i have a word"....thought it was something serious.

apparently, young fizzy has been teaching the rest of the class the torres song, including the bounce! you can imagine the chaos in a class of 4 and 5 year olds doing that. :lol:
picking the 4 year old up the other day and the teacher pulls me aside saying "can i have a word"....thought it was something serious.

apparently, young fizzy has been teaching the rest of the class the torres song, including the bounce! you can imagine the chaos in a class of 4 and 5 year olds doing that. :lol:


Im convinced Naiyas 1st words will be bell, lee & summerbee!!! :lol:
My little girl keeps saying tattoo (or dattoo) and keeps pointing at all mine! Funny how they pick up certain words.

Her brother who is nearly 3 is currently into saying charming everytime you say something to him or cheeky chops!

He has also picked up the f word which he is slowly stopping saying it due to long periods spent on the naughty step!! However the other day I was trying to put his shoes on and he said 'stop it i'm getting p1ssed off!' I shouldn't have but burst out laughing!
My little girl keeps saying tattoo (or dattoo) and keeps pointing at all mine! Funny how they pick up certain words.

Her brother who is nearly 3 is currently into saying charming everytime you say something to him or cheeky chops!

He has also picked up the f word which he is slowly stopping saying it due to long periods spent on the naughty step!! However the other day I was trying to put his shoes on and he said 'stop it i'm getting p1ssed off!' I shouldn't have but burst out laughing!

although Im hoping Naiya dont do it, there is something funny about a toddler swearing!!:lol:
picking the 4 year old up the other day and the teacher pulls me aside saying "can i have a word"....thought it was something serious.

apparently, young fizzy has been teaching the rest of the class the torres song, including the bounce! you can imagine the chaos in a class of 4 and 5 year olds doing that. :lol:

That's Fantastic! Emily does like the Crouchy song she'll be gutted if he leaves!
although Im hoping Naiya dont do it, there is something funny about a toddler swearing!!:lol:

My youngest Emily would say "I think you need to go and sit on the naughty step"

The only thing that seems to work at the moment if she's having one of challenging moments when we're out is saying "oh hang on a minute is that Miss Adelle(her teacher) over there" .....Never fails!:)
although Im hoping Naiya dont do it, there is something funny about a toddler swearing!!:lol:

I know what you mean. I shouted at my boy after he swore and said right naughty step and the response was 'Yay! Naughty step!! Daddy coming too???'

My main problem I have is he gets his milk and sprays it from the bottle. So the floor is usually covered and also fills up his scooby doo van with milk:eek: He fires milk at people from his buggy when going along! The other week he had the cheek to come and say 'daddy joel been naughty come and look!' The whole of my wooden floor had nice squiggles of milk over it(similar to a Stone Roses album cover!)! I went mental! I felt bad coz he started crying when I shouted and made him sit on the naughty step and his litttle face was blubbing and everytime I walked past he would cry more and go Daddy sorry cuddle please! He kept trying to get up as I walked passed and I would shout sit down! Eventually I buckled and we made up and he promised me he would not do it again as it was naughty! What a silly old fool I am! The following Saturday he just done the kitchen floor instead!! Oh and he also likes to draw on his little sisters face when no-one is looking!