Maceo Plex vs Nina Kraviz

... I'm struggling to think of a single female DJ - at least high profile - who isn't attractive.

quite funny to see maceo plex back track about nina.

dj's at war!:)

& then yesterday dj sneak starting a row with seth troxler:)

to be fair to troxler, i thought he was just trying tio be funny (about the stupid cooking competition they had at winter music conference) sneak took it the wrong way...although i di find his comment quite funny/true:

'tired of these ketamine type djs with chips on their shoulders'
Nina made Maceo Plex look like a right idiot when she responded with something along the lines of if you were so interested in records you would have noticed the cover of cassys berghain mix record (think that was it) sleeve Which features a picture of Cassy naked.

And that is old news
In regards to Sneak, the bloke is a tool. Lost SOOOOoooooo much respect for him these past 18 months. Just shown himself up as being a deluded, paranoid, petulant child. There is seemingly no end to his absurdity. He's running out of people within the industry to argue with now. Different ends of the spectrum they may be, but he has surpassed Deadmau5 with the amount of nonsense his spews.
In regards to Sneak, the bloke is a tool. Lost SOOOOoooooo much respect for him these past 18 months. Just shown himself up as being a deluded, paranoid, petulant child. There is seemingly no end to his absurdity. He's running out of people within the industry to argue with now. Different ends of the spectrum they may be, but he has surpassed Deadmau5 with the amount of nonsense his spews.

Sneak has only said what a lot of people in general say. Only he is in the (somewhat) public eye. If he saw what you just said he would argue with you .....

but you would have started it
quite funny to see maceo plex back track about nina.

dj's at war!:)

& then yesterday dj sneak starting a row with seth troxler:)

to be fair to troxler, i thought he was just trying tio be funny (about the stupid cooking competition they had at winter music conference) sneak took it the wrong way...although i di find his comment quite funny/true:

'tired of these ketamine type djs with chips on their shoulders'

they're mates though are they not? I took it all as a laugh
Sneak has only said what a lot of people in general say. Only he is in the (somewhat) public eye. If he saw what you just said he would argue with you .....

but you would have started it

The thing is, I do sympathise with where he's coming from (or at least did originally), but he has gone too far & exposed himself as nothing more than a whinge bag! Gangster? Plz! He should let his music do the talking.

Starting a row with the Swedes is one thing. But calling out Fanciulli, Funkagenda, Hawtin for f*** sake (!!!) etc. Nope, sorry, he has lost the plot big time.

He is actually what is wrong with the music industry in general nowadays - the problem being that people seem to care far more about what they don't like, then what they do. Just don't worry about it. We all have different tastes. Wouldn't it be f'n boring if we all liked the same.

If just one person, one, who happens to be into "EDM", or Guetta, or SHM, stumbles upon his music through the tedious link of "house music" (however distorted that link might be) than that is surely a good thing. No?

None of us woke up one morning and decided we liked underground music. We all took a journey to get there. Commercial music will exist regardless. Underground music, by definition, can not exist without commercial music.

I'm pleased to see he back-tracked slightly this afternoon. I just hope he gets back to doing what he does back. DJ beef is just very, very, very un-Gangster!
The thing is, I do sympathise with where he's coming from (or at least did originally), but he has gone too far & exposed himself as nothing more than a whinge bag! Gangster? Plz! He should let his music do the talking.

Starting a row with the Swedes is one thing. But calling out Fanciulli, Funkagenda, Hawtin for f*** sake (!!!) etc. Nope, sorry, he has lost the plot big time.

He is actually what is wrong with the music industry in general nowadays - the problem being that people seem to care far more about what they don't like, then what they do. Just don't worry about it. We all have different tastes. Wouldn't it be f'n boring if we all liked the same.

If just one person, one, who happens to be into "EDM", or Guetta, or SHM, stumbles upon his music through the tedious link of "house music" (however distorted that link might be) than that is surely a good thing. No?

None of us woke up one morning and decided we liked underground music. We all took a journey to get there. Commercial music will exist regardless. Underground music, by definition, can not exist without commercial music.

I'm pleased to see he back-tracked slightly this afternoon. I just hope he gets back to doing what he does back. DJ beef is just very, very, very un-Gangster!

Why do you care so much lol
More abuse i say.:p

It just shows that they are real people. Everyone b1tches about things they don't like. To think that everyone should agree with each other is rather pretentious in my opinion. People who sit in the fence constantly and love everyone and everything get on my nerves :)
I have no problem with anybody having an opinion, or even airing them. And I think that people who sit on the fence are dull :p

I just take issue with the manner in which he does it - being a nasty, obnoxious bully is just not nice, regardless of whether you are a superstar DJ or joe public. Plain as.

I also take issue with the fact that he shoots off at anybody who presses him - in that respect he is one of those infuriating people who can't hold a debate for toffee, just resorts to mud-slinging and playground insults. What's the saying? "You can never win an argument with an idiot - they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."

He also has a habit of retweeting beg-followers, and actively encourages them to bombard anybody who dares hold a different opinion to him with offence. Not cool at all.

While he is a pioneer & great DJ, of that there is no doubt, I dislike the way he has chosen himself as moral arbituar of the whole scene. He's good... but there have been better.

... Anyway, the cynic in me in beginning to suspect that the whole thing is just a clever marketing ploy to make him more relevent.
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I have no problem with anybody having an opinion, or even airing them. And I think that people who sit on the fence are dull :p

I just take issue with the manner in which he does it - being a nasty, obnoxious bully is just not nice, regardless of whether you are a superstar DJ or joe public. Plain as.

I also take issue with the fact that he shoots off at anybody who presses him - in that respect he is one of those infuriating people who can't hold a debate for toffee, just resorts to mud-slinging and playground insults. What's the saying? "You can never win an argument with an idiot - they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."

He also has a habit of retweeting beg-followers, and actively encourages them to bombard anybody who dares hold a different opinion to him with offence. Not cool at all.

While he is a pioneer & great DJ, of that there is no doubt, I dislike the way he has chosen himself as moral arbituar of the whole scene. He's good... but there have been better.

... Anyway, the cynic in me in beginning to suspect that the whole thing is just a clever marketing ploy to make him more relevent.

Bully? Lol