Lots of Radiohead talk

Much prefer Pablo Honey to the later stuff. Used to go in to Virgin and stand listening to the whole thing at the listening point, before getting it for Christmas. Still play it in its entirity quite often, which I can't say for many other albums. Except maybe Its a shame about Ray by the Lemonheads.

I do like some of the later stuff. It all got a wee bit up its own @rse for me.
Made someone put In Rainbows on at work.

Quite liking the first track. :oops:

Might well be eating my words.
...four tracks in - agree, brilliantly produced.

Can definitely see the talent but finding it a bit whiney now.
I love Radiohead. I'd go as far as to call them my favourite band. Pablo Honey is very average, but love everything else (though HTTT could do with a trim) I'm familiar with. New album I've only listened to once, and it's going to need a few plays to get into.

Fave Radiohead album: In Rainbows, I think. Reckoner is gloriously sad.

And please don't mention them in the same sentence as Coldplay, or any other band of that ilk, coz really they have nothing in common with those nitwits.

There's an absolutely awesome remix of Thom Yorke's The Eraser buried in the middle of Sasha's Invo2lver - not the one on the extra CD (too chilled), but the one in the main mix. Actually, the original The Eraser is great too, though I wasn't that keen on the rest of the Yorke solo album.
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creep is the only radiohead track I can remember where I actually absorbed the lyrics - they obviously had a certain poignancy for a certain kind of fresher student still trying to, er 'find their feet' :lol: I remember listening to it and think this is astonishingly well crafted music.
I think we were all there at some point. I remember seeing them live back then and it was top notch musicianship but deep down we were all waiting for Creep.

The song that gets me is Fake Plastic Trees. Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. What a beautiful beautiful piece of music.

I lost interest around kid A - it never really grabbed me but then in more recent years, I started paying more attention to the various edits and remixes and stuff like idioteque & the ripperton remix of nude which showed how the dance community were really starting to embrace them.
Same for me here too.
Creep is the track that got a lot of people into Radiohead (as moping teenagers), but I think it really pales against subsequent output. I have to laugh when people tell me Creep is their favourite RH track, although they tend to be the peeps who went off Radiohead after The Bends.
creep was a bit grungey and had they continued down that road they probably would have ended up as some nirvana imitation act, loved by the Reading crowd and ignored by everybody else. It is to their credit that they took risks with their fanbase and branched out into new music.
I think we were all there at some point. I remember seeing them live back then and it was top notch musicianship but deep down we were all waiting for Creep.

The song that gets me is Fake Plastic Trees. Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. What a beautiful beautiful piece of music.

Same for me here too.

having given it about 50 plays, king of limbs actually very warm & very chilled out once you spend the time. just needs time to soak in the melodies. literally not a single chorus on it tho!

f king savages re Kid A ;)