Lots of Radiohead talk


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I'm clearly missing something.

Can someone educate me as to why these moaners of the dirge kind are worth listening to?

i'll get leathered by the musos/anally retentative on here ..... but for me the 'best' (being defined as music I like) band i've ever heard.

but i can see the love/hate thing. more the hate thing judging by the replies so far!

i think his voice is bootiful, emotional, painfull, poignant.

my wife thinks it be like nails on a blackboard & leaves the room.

for me the key to good music is emotion and melody (going hand in hand), the darkness & melancholy that rh explore ticking more boxes for me....the further down you go the more uplifting the out..

the depth to it, i've just 'got' one of the tracks on king of limbs at about the 20th time of asking. and for me thats ace, but i can see for others its...a dirge unless you take the time or have the inclination to like it

they can be annally inaccessbile but - imho - in rainbows is a lush, warm & accessible record in most part:

and even then the bends & ok computer are straight up rock classics.



aha, the radiohead backlash thread :D

I personally don't buy the hero worship but at the same time, some of their music is monumentally good

too many to list - here's a recent example

reckoner - [leftside wobble offworld excursion]


I don't see how anyone could submerge themselves in that and not be touched - utterly beautiful
i'll get leathered by the musos/anally retentative on here

:lol: You might - but anyone with a passion for music deserves respect. ;)

(and I love an intelligent music debate - opinions are good!)

The thing is - I LOVE darkness and melancholy.

The Cure live experience (pornogaphy/disintegration)

The beautiful Morrissey drones on Meat is Murder (the joke isn't funny any more and how soon is now are both hauntingly amazing tracks).

Anything by COIL (more extreme darkness of the darkest kind - read from the bottom up if interested) http://www.brainwashed.com/coil/text.php


All I hear (and I apologise in advance for using these bands in the same context) when I listen to the likes of Coldplay and Radiohead are the drones of middle class, socially acceptable whining packaged up for the masses.

aha, the radiohead backlash thread :D

I personally don't buy the hero worship but at the same time, some of their music is monumentally good

too many to list - here's a recent example

reckoner - [leftside wobble offworld excursion]


I don't see how anyone could submerge themselves in that and not be touched - utterly beautiful

Anything re-edited by Leftside Wobble ends up sounding amazing though. :lol:

Can we be purists for a moment please?
On the suject of melancholy, an ex of mine was a massive fan of Morrisey. Another artist whose wailings never hit the spot for me.

At the time I was stomping in a field to repetitive beats most weekends so the relationship was pretty much doomed too.
Always hated Mozza too till I actually bothered to listen.

I bought his bio, read all the lyrics and slowly came around the idea.

I LOVE him now and the atmos at his gigs is unparalleled. Lots of gladioli infested nostalgia held in his music resulting in crowd surfing 40 year olds etc. :lol: 8)


...so there's nothing worse than a music nazi that refuses to broaden his horizons.

I will therefore invest in a Radiohead cd, keep an open mind and report back.

Any recommends to start with? (OK computer isn't the best one is it?)
Always hated Mozza too till I actually bothered to listen.

I bought his bio, read all the lyrics and slowly came around the idea.

I LOVE him now and the atmos at his gigs is unparalleled. Lots of gladioli infested nostalgia held in his music resulting in crowd surfing 40 year olds etc. :lol: 8)


...so there's nothing worse than a music nazi that refuses to broaden his horizons.

I will therefore invest in a Radiohead cd, keep an open mind and report back.

Any recommends to start with? (OK computer isn't the best one is it?)

Good man!

Also have a healthy love of all thing mozz. agree on the meat is murder tracks.

all coldplay have in common is that, yes, perception of middle class men in their 30's being into it. but the difference in music, approach, attitude is epic.

try in rainbows as a middle ground ;)
creep is the only radiohead track I can remember where I actually absorbed the lyrics - they obviously had a certain poignancy for a certain kind of fresher student still trying to, er 'find their feet' :lol: I remember listening to it and think this is astonishingly well crafted music. That's where my interest kinda started although I only paid half-hearted attention to indie in the early 90s. It was on the followup singles planet telex and high n dry that an altogether more experimental, more melodic sound seemed to emerge, which tied in quite nicely with the stoned bristol thing taking fruit around that time. Infinitely more interesting than the oasis dirge which took over the mass media. And then paranoid android and no surprises - stunning music which needs to be heard loud in a car as you hurtle through the french countryside. The lyrics are incidental - he could be singing in swahili. I cdn't care less. The musicianship is stunning. I lost interest around kid A - it never really grabbed me but then in more recent years, I started paying more attention to the various edits and remixes and stuff like idioteque & the ripperton remix of nude which showed how the dance community were really starting to embrace them. And how with the new release, they now are light years from creep, and I think that evolution is great, thom yorke being surprise guest at gilles peterson's worldwide awards. I haven't heard the new album yet, at the time of writing [it might be a sack of $hit, but that's not the point] but may follow up on that. Anyway, I think they need to be approached with caution and an open mind. If you want neanderthal rock with big choruses then listen to fkcing nickelback or someone.
thom yorke

I remember stumbling upon his 'secret' gig on the Park stage at Glasto and being royally unimpressed whilst gurning my t!ts off and striking cursory glances towards the dance field.

A prime example of 'wrong place, wrong time'. :lol:
Not my cup of coffee. The leftside wobble music I liked the vocal I could do with out

Just like I can skip most tech house and trance venues.


This moves me, may not be your cup of tes

One of my favorite tracks too, I get the pissed ripped by one of my mates who thinks its naff (cut from a similar cloth to Olly).

IMO the best bassline ever

Radiohead, some tracks are amazing. some tracks seem self indulgent toss. Not worth of hero worship
here's a novel concept - is it possible that some people might appreciate both radiohead AND jocelyn brown, but in different contexts?