London People

If Lottie is in turnmills you have to go.. last time I saw here there she was with Sister Bliss and had to be ranked as one of the best evers locally :P

Mao rooms is cool - worth dropping by UNLIKE China White which is musically very very bad (have to admit to going once too often and on a Wednesday as it can make a change to Heaven!)

I'm flying out TOMORROW :D So Pacha it is then...
I think everyone should catch Lottie when they get the chance to.

She always seems to have such a great time (suppose the money and nice bloke helps!) and knows how to work a crowd.
yeahbaby said:
I'm flying out TOMORROW :D So Pacha it is then...

Is that for MAW @ Ministry :D Lucky git :P ;) I tried to swap my flights cos we fly on Friday to catch them but the hotel was fully booked :roll: They're playing Minstry closing tho so will definitely catch them then :D
kitten's head said:
you will like it, although it's not cheap for drinks (but where is!)

It is just off the harbour in Ibiza Town and free to get into and has similar bars times/prices to Base Bar and the others.

It has a chinese theme (hence the name) so you get to lie about to cushions with your shoes off whilst insense in burnt so it is very comfy and trendy.

sounds wicked thanks kittens, i will def be going!
lounge about on cushions with my shoes off, oooh i might not move!
Yey! Barbie.. you'll be at Pacha on Friday then :D

Were staying at the Jet appartments next door to Bora Bora this year :lol: (booked though this site too).. they had availability ...
yeahbaby said:
Yey! Barbie.. you'll be at Pacha on Friday then :D

Were staying at the Jet appartments next door to Bora Bora this year :lol: (booked though this site too).. they had availability ...

I've stayed at Jet before, this time we are staying at Es Vive.

Did you see MAW @ Ministry in London a few wks back, absolutely funking awesome :D

Yay I certainly will be @ Pacha on Friday for the one and only Mr Tony Humphries :D
No.. i didn't :cry:

best thing in town this year for me was P.V.D at Heaven a couple of Gatecrashers ago...

..and worst was Pete Tong in LA a couple of weeks ago.. hope he'll be better @ the 30th Anniversary...

..are you going to be wearing your 'Meeting point identification' wristband then!?! :lol:
yeahbaby said:
No.. i didn't :cry:

best thing in town this year for me was P.V.D at Heaven a couple of Gatecrashers ago...

..and worst was Pete Tong in LA a couple of weeks ago.. hope he'll be better @ the 30th Anniversary...

..are you going to be wearing your 'Meeting point identification' wristband then!?! :lol:

Awww you missed a treat with MAW, not that you care cos you'll be seeing them tomorrow, git :P ;) Mmm Tongy can be bit hit or miss, hoping it's going to be former cos it's his own residency so he's got a lot to prove but if not Tony Humphries isn't going to fail to do the business :D

No I certainly won't be wearing any meeting identificationv wristband :P I've arranged to say hello to a few people off here, there's a piccy of me on my profile so say hello is you see me :D
will do... I've just updated mine with photo too.. most sensible one I could find! :o

Saw Paul O at Gatecrasher 2 weeks ago... very very it tomorrow yet?!
yeahbaby said:
will do... I've just updated mine with photo too.. most sensible one I could find! :o

Saw Paul O at Gatecrasher 2 weeks ago... very very it tomorrow yet?!

Spooky, I've got very same 'Dancing my tits off' postcard on my desk right now :P

My b/friend wanted to do Oakie but it was night before MAW and obviously I am the boss so I won :P :D ;)

No it's not tomorrow, still got a whole day to go hahahaha :P ;)

Are you doing Space on Sunday??
Glad to hear you wear the furry hobnails in the household!

Space.. :cry: ... I'm flying back on Sunday AM (maybe even Saturday!) due to work... Can't even get my head around the fact that I'm missing We Love Sunday...

Mind you had 7 last year, lots more planned this year... I can wait a few weeks!! :P

..oh.. & HOW naff is the exchange rate?! Just got my disco vouchers - lots less than I thought...

I'm being totally useless at work today - Hooray!
yeahbaby said:
Glad to hear you wear the furry hobnails in the household!

Space.. :cry: ... I'm flying back on Sunday AM (maybe even Saturday!) due to work... Can't even get my head around the fact that I'm missing We Love Sunday...

Mind you had 7 last year, lots more planned this year... I can wait a few weeks!! :P

..oh.. & HOW naff is the exchange rate?! Just got my disco vouchers - lots less than I thought...

I'm being totally useless at work today - Hooray!

I'm even more useless, I haven't done anything today that can even pass slightly for work 8O :P

I don't even know what exchange rate is, my b/friend changed all money, I'm not allowed to do grown-up responsible things like that lol :P ;)

Enjoy MAW on Thursday, maybe see you at Pure Pacha Friday :D
Just got back from a couple of hours in Alphabet and after a few Mojito's life couldn't feel better!

Hope the Taxi situation is going to be easy when we land tomorrow night.. any feedback on this so far this year?

I've posted a couple more photo's on my page - if you don't see me you probably will see Tony!

Won't be able to sleep tonight (and abviously for the next few nights!!) 8O

... We'll be at Base and Mao rooms earlier Friday ... :D ...and do you know if Space is doing a carry on for Pacha on Saturday morning? (Looks like Matinee group doesn't start till July 5th)

Warming up for the Friday night.. our Thursday into FriDAY we'll be doing the Cream / Amnesia to Space / tonic to Bora Bora trip (of course!) :lol:

25 hours to go... YEY!