*** London Marathon 2012 ***


Active Member
I said since i was at School i will eventually run it, one of them things in life i want to be able to say ive done...8)

Im guessing a fair few Spotlighters have most probably done it so am after some advice, im going to apply in a few weeks time i think :D

What sort of money do i need to look at raising and also how much training did people do ?! I am fit, for my age compared to most lol and am regularly at the gym and out road running but obviously i know i need to up my game...

Any advice is greatly appreciated as tbh i am going in a little bit blind to the whole marathon thing....
I said since i was at School i will eventually run it, one of them things in life i want to be able to say ive done...8)

Im guessing a fair few Spotlighters have most probably done it so am after some advice, im going to apply in a few weeks time i think :D

What sort of money do i need to look at raising and also how much training did people do ?! I am fit, for my age compared to most lol and am regularly at the gym and out road running but obviously i know i need to up my game...

Any advice is greatly appreciated as tbh i am going in a little bit blind to the whole marathon thing....


If you want to apply then do it today, the ballot opened yesterday and will be closed within a matter of days.

Last year over 140,000 people applied and 20,000 get accepted via the ballot so the odds are slim.

Failing that option you can run for a charity and they will normally require a minimum of £2k sponsorship but again, these places get snapped up and charities offer places to people that have applied previously first.

With regards to fitness, I done a marathon 2 weeks ago and the training took about 4 months. Towards the end I was running about 35-40 miles per week, usually 3 short runs, 5 to 10 miles followed by a 17 - 20 mile run at the weekend.

In order to do it you really need to take it seriously, take away/booze etc needs to be scaled down and it does take up a lot of your life.

Rather than start a new thread, have a read of the thread titled spotlight running club, plenty of info on there. If you dont get London then there are plenty of other great marathons to run.

Wicked thanks for the info...i have heard it isnt as easy as you expect to get excepted for it :confused: rubbish...

I shall have a little gander over the other thread 8)
I'd apply asap Vic. I did mention it yesterday on the spotlight running club post that the ballot had opened. I did expect it to close the same day as it did last year but it hasn't as of yet.


I did the LDN Marathon in 09 after getting a last minute place in the Jan through charity. I had to raise a minimum of £2000 which ended up being alot easier than i thought due to amazing friends & work colleagues being generous.

It's all about motivation, if you really want something enough...you'll get it done.
Wicked thanks for the info...i have heard it isnt as easy as you expect to get excepted for it :confused: rubbish...

I shall have a little gander over the other thread 8)

I think you mean Accepted ;) Finally managed to get one back on the Queen of spelling and grammar and pointing out peoples mistakes.
I cut down from going out 2 nights a week drinking quite a bit to going out twice in 3 months.
Still popped out and had the odd pint every now and again but i did cut down massively.
I cut down from going out 2 nights a week drinking quite a bit to going out twice in 3 months.
Still popped out and had the odd pint every now and again but i did cut down massively.

will certainly be interesting to see how she copes when her entire persona is built on binge-drinking...
will certainly be interesting to see how she copes when her entire persona is built on binge-drinking...

Lol Olly, i might give off this impression, but i have alot of self discipline when i need to have it....8)

tbh itl give me an excuse to save the pennies by not going out drinking of a weekend which is boring and slowly killing my soul :lol:

I enjoy running and have always been a bit of a runner and i dont drink no where near what i used to so i shall be fine...

Only thing that worrys me is the getting monies together :confused:
If you get in touch with charities now and get a place through them then you'll have over a year to be able to raise the money Vic. One thing i did was because i was drinking alot less i put some of the money i would of spent each week to one side, it's amazing how much money you can save that way.
If it's a charity that you feel strongly about you'll have no worries about donating alot yourself.

My work did 'matched giving' as well with work sponsors. I raised £450 from work people and nicely bumped up to £900 thanks to the company, always worth seeing if your place of work will do that.
If you get in touch with charities now and get a place through them then you'll have over a year to be able to raise the money Vic.

I dont even know what chairty i would want to earn money for :confused: theres toooo many and i dont wana just pick any one....

Soooo many charities would benefit, but i suppose it should mean something to me...

Ive raised money for a menigitus trust, does some bits for help for heroes....:?:
I dont even know what chairty i would want to earn money for :confused: theres toooo many and i dont wana just pick any one....

Soooo many charities would benefit, but i suppose it should mean something to me...

Ive raised money for a menigitus trust, does some bits for help for heroes....:?:

Make sure you pick a charity that is close to your heart, it will help you so much when you are training in the pissing rain next Jan to keep at it.

It is also a lot easier for people to really want to sponsor you if they can see you are doing it for a cause that is close to your heart rather than doing it just to say that you have run a marathon.

Sometimes the smaller charities are a lot more grateful for the sposnorship so will assist you all they can, dont just pick a large chairty because you like the logo or some crap like that.

Just so you know, if you enter the ballot you won't fnd out till October if you have secured a place so you dont get 12 months to raise money like someone has already said. You have to feel confident you can train to run that distance and raise that money in under 6 months.
I have no doubt in my ability to run it and will look forward to the training, as i do know some people who are seriously fit beyond belief :eek: who im sure will really push me....

Really need to think of a charity :confused: havent had anyone close to me die / suffer with any serious illness's *touch wood* so hence why i am slightly overwhlemed with possible options...

I went to sign up yesterday but saw there was a fee to be paid and basically i am poor until Friday so didnt go any further...how much is the joining fee ?!