Libyan forces 'capture Gaddafi'

It'll certainly save the likes of Blair and Mandleson the embarrasment of a long war crimes trial, at which all the gory details of a regime they supported will be aired!
At last, after years of atrocities and the appalling treatment of millions, it's over.

Details are still sketchy................ but finally Westlife are splitting up.
Personally would have preferred to see him squirm in court, but that's easy for me to say from the comfort of my chair...

There will be a few lawyers crying in their soup tonight as the prospects of a long drawn out saga in a courtroom whilst they are kept in lap of luxury off the back of it just went pop. Can't say I'm sorry !
I wouldn't be surprised if those responsible for the killing of Gadaffi:lol: are captured by French or British forces troops to probably face trial for murder held in the European court.
Some random facts about the departed:

1. The "Bulletproof" Tent: When Gadhafi was at home in Tripoli, he lived in a well fortified compound with a complex system of escape tunnels. But when he travelled abroad, this "Bedouin" brought a bit of the desert with him, camping out in the world's capitals. The tent was so heavy it needed to be flown on a separate plane, wherever the dictator travelled. To complete the Arabian Nights theme, Gadhafi often would tether a camel or two outside.

2. All-Female Virgin Bodyguard Retinue: They apparently weren't around when Gadhafi needed them most on Thursday, but the eccentric dictator was historically protected by 40 well trained bodyguards – all of them women. The bodyguards, called "Amazons," were all reportedly virgins who took a vow of chastity upon joining the dictator's retinue. The women, trained at an all-female military academy, were handpicked by Gadhafi. They wore elaborate uniforms, as well as makeup and high-heeled combat boots.

3. His "Voluptuous" Ukrainian Nurse: For a decade, Galyna Kolotnytska, a Ukrainian nurse often described in the press as "voluptuous," was regularly seen at the dictator's side. Kolotnytska was described in a leaked diplomatic cable as one of Gadhafi's closest aides and was rumored to have a romantic relationship with him. Several other Ukrainian women served as nurses and they all referred to him as "Papa" or "Daddy."

4. Crush on Condoleezza Rice: In 2007, Gadhafi called former Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice his "darling black African woman" and on a 2008 visit she made to Tripoli, the dictator gave her $200,000 worth of gifts, including a ring and a lute. But it wasn't until rebels stormed his Tripoli compound that the depths of the dictator's infatuation were exposed. There among Gadhafi's belongings was a carefully composed photo album made up of dozens of images of no one but Rice.

5. Fear of Flying and Elevators: Part of the reason Gadhafi loved travelling with that tent of his was because he was worried about lodging in a hotel where he'd have to ride an elevator. According to leaked diplomatic cables, the Libyan didn't like heights much either, and would only climb to a height of 35 steps. He therefore wasn't much of a fan of flying, refusing to travel by air for more than eight hours at a time. When he would travel to New York of the U.N.'s annual general assembly, he would spend a night in Portugal on the way to the U.S.

6. Bunga Bunga: In 2010, one of Gadhafi's most eccentric pastimes was exposed by Italian prosecutors investigating Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. A 17-year-old prostitute named Karima el-Mahroug, better known as Ruby Heartstealer, revealed that she had been invited to an orgy, called a "bunga bunga." "Silvio told me that he'd copied that formula from Muammar Gadhafi," she told prosecutors according to La Repubblica. "It's a ritual of [Gadhafi's] African harem."

7. An Eclectic Wardrobe: In those photos of world leaders standing shoulder to shoulder on the sidelines of this or that international forum, Gadhafi was always the easiest to pick out. His wardrobe was an eclectic mix of ornate military uniforms, Miami Vice style leisure suits, and Bedouin robes. Gadhafi, who pushed for a pan-African federation of nations, often decorated his outfits with images of the African continent. He'd sport safari shirts printed with an Africa pattern, or wear garish pins or necklaces of the continent.
There will be a few lawyers crying in their soup tonight as the prospects of a long drawn out saga in a courtroom whilst they are kept in lap of luxury off the back of it just went pop. Can't say I'm sorry !

Very true, hadn't viewed it from that perspective !
I wouldn't be surprised if those responsible for the killing of Gadaffi:lol: are captured by French or British forces troops to probably face trial for murder held in the European court.

Albeit a different Court i was nearly right as it would now appear that the do-gooders from the Court of Human Rights want a full investigation carried out on the capture & eventual killing of the Mad dog Gadaffi.

NB: The headline for this Thread could be misunderstood for it wasn't the Libyan Forces who captured Gadaffi but the rebel forces helped by the US/ UK & French alliance.
4. Crush on Condoleezza Rice: In 2007, Gadhafi called former Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice his "darling black African woman" and on a 2008 visit she made to Tripoli, the dictator gave her $200,000 worth of gifts, including a ring and a lute. But it wasn't until rebels stormed his Tripoli compound that the depths of the dictator's infatuation were exposed. There among Gadhafi's belongings was a carefully composed photo album made up of dozens of images of no one but Rice.

In a very sick kind of way this has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in AGES. Poor old Condoleezza - she's a great girl imo - but to have a nutcase murdering dictator get an infatuation on you in your line of work must have been quite disturbing for the poor luv :eek: - wonder if she kept up her inflappable cool when she found THAT one out ? :lol: ..