Leon Watson March '09


New Member
Alright guys..New Techno mix from me..

Couple of more melodic things at the start and then tougher stuff as it moves on.

1. Sebastian Leger - Majuro
2. Christian Fischer - Lightener (Spektres Dark Mix)
3. Hans Bouffmyre - Riot Van
4. Manuel T - Play or die
5. David West - Hideout (Ramon Tapia Remix)
6. Patric La Funk - Restless (Tim Weeks Remix)
7. Sharam - Crazi
8. Speedy j - EDLX Tool (Chris Liebing Remix)
9. Perc - UP
10. Christian Fischer - Zulufire
11. Wippenberg - Drumster

Just left click the link below and it will auto download


Let me know what you think!
