

Active Member
i see they are getting back together .... playing live set at this years Rockness in Scotland 8)

would love to see them live again :p
they relied heavily on the production/music/song writing talents of a certain mr olly jacobs @ roll over studios, queens park on their first album.

without him they would have been nothing.

i only know this because i used the same studio not long after.

the same ollly was responsible for peter andre - mysterious girl.

the second album was a massive disappointment - maybe it was too ambitious or pitched at the wrong crowd but it certainly lacked tunes. I lost interest quite soon after and I think they did too.
the second album was a massive disappointment - maybe it was too ambitious or pitched at the wrong crowd but it certainly lacked tunes. I lost interest quite soon after and I think they did too.

they spent months on the first one & olly jacobs was in the driving seat.

they bashed out the second one in no time & without much help. it really shows.
the second album was a massive disappointment - maybe it was too ambitious or pitched at the wrong crowd but it certainly lacked tunes. I lost interest quite soon after and I think they did too.

true, the 2nd album was a disappointment after their 1st

but they are superb live!!! :twisted:
stone cold genius:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Open up
Now open up
You lied
You faked
You cheated
You changed the stakes
Magnet toss that pie in the sky
Unrehearsed let the bubbles burst
All in all a three-ring circus
Of unity with parody tragedy or comedy
Probably publicity [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Open up
Make room for me
Now open up
Make room for me

Lose myself inside your schemes
Go for the money, honey
Not the screen
Be a movie star Blah, blah, blah
Go the whole hog
Be bigger than God [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Burn, Hollywood, burn
Taking down Tinsel Town
Burn Hollywood, burn
Burn down into the ground
Burn, Hollywood, burn
Burn, Hollywood, burn [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Take down Tinsel Town
Burn down to the ground
Down into the ground
Burn [/FONT]

on the count of 3... i'll press play on the cd, you twiddle some knobs & i'll wave my arms about. if neither of us laugh, we could actually get away with this.

how on earth does Bangalter and Manuel de Homem-Christo manage to do the 3 count with them helmits on then :)
i can see were they get off with the laughing :lol:
half of California actually was on fire at the time or engulfed in riots post-Rodney King so that only leant extra intrigue
Back to the point in hand, I have to agree.

(excuse the sweeping generalisation but...)

I'm not big on these big live dance acts. Underworld, Chemicals, Basement Jaxx, Leftfield, blah.

If Leftfield were to just do Leftism then it might be great but the natural progression for most of these dance-act-cum-bands is to go all eclectic.

To me this is dance music copying the rock template so that it works on a big stage...and to me it errr doesn't. Although I'm possibly on my own here. :?

(Exception to the rule = Orbital because they stick to the basics and recreate the M25 experience every time. 8))

Dance music isn't about the performer or DJ, it's about the floor and if everyone is facing forwards it dilutes the experience.

But then, I'm just an ageing dance purist so what do I know? :lol:
a mate has persuaded me to see them at brixton on dec 3rd - bit of a step back in time for me, but rather looking fwd to it (despite everything I wrote earlier in the year)
I'm seeing them in Manchester later this month. Missus does some work with their manager so it was something she was going to rather than a big 'must-see' for me, but I will report back.

Surely they'll do most of Leftism?
Id love to see them But they weekend they are in London Im going away!

I have seen them twice before and they where excellent
I've got tix for leftfield and mark seven on the same night in different corners of town!

contary to appearances though - probably my quietest raving year for a very long time