Learning Spanish - How did you do it?

sí. about climbing up tibidabo;) :lol:

de hecho::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Magazín-informativo destinado a dar a conocer Cataluña al resto del mundo."

Wow, how exciting :eek: :lol: :lol:

Can't you get spanish films in the videoclub? There's much more production than Lucia and Almodovar, I can recommend you few if you fancy.

I also recommended you spanish music but you didn't say a word about it
I used to love watching Almodovar films. Women on the Verge, Atame... in the US, they do subtitles not dubbing so you can watch and then double check your comprehension by glancing at the translation.
I used to love watching Almodovar films. Women on the Verge, Atame... in the US, they do subtitles not dubbing so you can watch and then double check your comprehension by glancing at the translation.

Almodovar is very very slang
I also recommended you spanish music but you didn't say a word about it

por qué estás hablando tan silenciosa, es porque spanish musica es caca?:p :lol:

when i get a new computer at home, i will ask you about it then.......so i can download it. estamos??:D
watch Gente at 7pm every night, thats quite easy to watch. for learning telediario is the best to watch, tis on every morning in casa grego:D

is' Gente' the show that Sonia Ferrer presents, if there's one reason to learn the language..she'd be it :)

on a more serious note, i'm considering buying a Spanish language course ("
Spanish with Michel Thomas") from Waterstones for £70, boasts no books or writing, just listening..
I've got 8 CD-Roms i collected free with the Daily Mail teack yourself Spanish although ive only gotten through two of them:oops: and ive already forgotten some of that it's more dofficult trying to teach yourself i think,think ill take a week out next year and do 30 hours intensive in Valencia or something combine it with a holiday,i also wanna learn my own countrys language Irish i can only speak a little id love to be fluent in it.
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Has anyone tried evening classes? How effective did you find them?

I'm starting a 30 week course tonight - hoping that at the end I'll have basic grammar and enough vocab to get by, though my previous attempts at learning Italian and Russian from books/CDs suggest I'm not very naturally gifted at these things :oops: ...
I can read it & hear it better than I can talk it...

Due to spending four summers out there and watching ALOT of spanish TV...

But can ask for sellotape,ladders and pliers etc no problem... :lol: :lol: :lol:
seeing as i've been going out to ibiza 3 or 4 times a year for the past 6 years i'm ashamed that i don't have any spanish.

i've decided i'm taking a phrase book with me next week just to start learning some basic sentences before i actually make a conscious effort to learn the language properly.

i'm very tempted to go to south america for a few months to really nail it.
When I was out last week I really made an effort to try. I only know some basics, such as please, thankyou, and asking for things, but found the locals really appreciated it:D
We recently received some advertising stuff for a childrens langauge course called Muzzy, and have sent off for the first installment. It's not cheap for the whole course but supposedly the best learning experience for any child. They suggest you can introduce your children to foreign languages from the age of ONE! Our little boy is 16 months and is going to start learning Spanish the Muzzy way :)

I received a bbc learn Spanish course for my birthday this month and we are about to embark on this as a first step. I read about community meeting places around the UK where Spanish ex pats meet to chat with English folk which sounds like a good way to learn. There is such a place in Leeds :)

How did you start / plan to start speaking Spanish?
So then, 8 years after starting to learn Spanish and now living there.........how is it coming along? :lol:
I have found buying el Pais and subscribing to a spanish TV channel helpful, you will already recognise some of the works, it the bits in between that help to link it all together

I did a beginner course in Spanish last Spring. The local Adult Education site for my area actually ran 6 week courses free of charge - might be worth checking your local site. Anyway I picked it up pretty well, and then went to Ibiza for 2 weeks immediately after. Was able to use everything I wanted to get by, but still frustrating when you want to ask random things like how is the weather etc that a course wouldn't necessarily teach you. I found that within 2 months of being back in the UK I'd forgotten most of it.

I've got some linguaphone CDs that I am going to use in the next few months before I head out again. Spanish channels on Sky might be worth a look too!

Bottom line is though, I find you need to be in a Spanish speaking environment to truly pick the language up and for it to stick.
So then, 8 years after starting to learn Spanish and now living there.........how is it coming along? :lol:

Shambles, Ollie. Can get by, but once the locals get into full speed, absolutely lost. Further confusion caused as my little boy is taught in Catalan, trying to help with his homework is far from easy (left it up to wifey now!). Going to get some lessons with a proper tutor. Harvey has a couple of hours extra tuition per week for €10 per hour and his pronunciation is really good. He has a German friend whose parents encourage them to play together to improve their boy's English but the whole time they are together the communicate in Spanish!! Listening to our little girl talking to her dollies in the funniest hybrid Spanish/ English / La la language is comedy gold :)
Ha ha that's amazing 8)
Had to giggle when I saw this thread and had to ask how it's going 6 years after deciding to get started :lol: I've still got the urge but not the time at the minute. I think it's great the kids have taken to it so well they'll refuse to speak English to you soon and be laughing at you just for the crack :D