Kylie Minogue


Despite being a prize tool I do miss Jonny and his ludicrous outlook on life. I imagine he still cruises these boards voyeuristically enjoying his notoriety :lol:
Despite being a prize tool I do miss Jonny and his ludicrous outlook on life. I imagine he still cruises these boards voyeuristically enjoying his notoriety :lol:

Prize Tool :lol::lol:, love the word tool and its revival from the 80's playground!!

I dont think he does "cruise" the boards, because there is no way he would be able to contain himself, any comment towards him or his beloved celtic/man u/celtic/man u/celtic/man u.......that was even slightly left of positive, he would have to be all over it. It was like a red rag to a bull!!! or as my dear mum used to say

"he could cause a row in an empty house" :lol:
Like a 1999 Clos des Lambrays Grand Cru!!

she just gets better with age!!!

Missed this first time round, hence didnt spot Johnny's "under the radar" attempt at grooming the lovely Emms!!

F**king nonce!!! :lol:

Ha ha me too!! This must have been ages ago............jesus, dont remember this thread! :lol:
Poor johnny, I'm sure he's just misunderstood on here!

Once enjoyed a big multi page spread in GQ of Kylie & Danni in some very suggestive clinches, brought a tear to ones eye.