KM5 bar-restaurant

hehe funny we had a discussion somewhere about authentic ibizan cooking, and someone was yellingabout km5 being more genuine ibizan than Bambuddha, run by John Moon - hmmm now i wouldnt say it´s soooo genuine (not that I care really cuz both places rule and for me are both genuine despite the owners not being from the island)
wimpers said:
The owner of KM5 is a belgian ;-)

well actually 1 of the owners is Belgian, the other one is German, but who cares anyway, their spirit is true Ibicenco :D
Action Painting.
Bar & art gallery, KM5, located on the Sant Josep road held the first of a series of "Action Painting" events this week. Well known artists were invited to paint picture live in the garden terrace of the bar before the admiring public. These works will be collected over the summer as more "Action Painting" sessions take place on the 3rd &17th June; 1st, 15th & 29th July; 12th & 26th August, & 9th & 16th September & then will be sold at an auction at the bar. The funds raised will go to the local charity, which helps handicapped people & those with special needs on the island. This interesting & original way of raising charity funds from live art was devised & organised by the well-known local painters Ariel Gélida, Dunia Pijpers & Ana Mejido. They have experience of having organised a similar event at a ski station in the Piranees during the winter & are counting on the support of several well known artists such as Ana Abad, Alexander Jarman, Andrea E. Bene, Ariel Echeverría, Wolfgang Ratkowski, Orly Frid & Pablo Albizuri to make this summer edition a success.

(the ibiza sun)
a little bird told me that oliver

will be djing there tonight!!
eivissafan said:
And what is Colors Party, McRackin?
the posters around town only say the dates and a colour for each party but after some investigations i can tell you some more:

· if you go dressed in that colour they will offer you a free cocktail as a welcome :!:
· km5 will be decorated for each one in a different colour (first+last: multicolour) :!:
· sergi (km5 resident) will be accompanied by the french dj jan frederick :!:

InspectorMc ;)
Did go to Bambuddha, had some fish with mint leaves. Is that ibicenco?
Found Km5 a lot better, food, wine and the whole works plus 1 of the owners/ staff are cool.
Anybody tried Naif?
Hmmmm this is where Jonathan is taking me for our romantic meal, whilst I decide how many night's out he's allowed 8O :lol:
Beckiboo said:
Hmmmm this is where Jonathan is taking me for our romantic meal, whilst I decide how many night's out he's allowed 8O :lol:

Do you want the number to book table, you'll prob be ok cos it's start of season but it is getting more and more popular each year and you said you were going Sat night didn't you so it might be best to.

I thought we'd already established that you're doing Space on Sunday, DC10 on Monday, Underwater on Tuesday, La Troya on Wednesday and then iwbrnt (c) do a little final La Troya aftershow sesh on your last day :lol: ;)
Barbie said:
Beckiboo said:
Hmmmm this is where Jonathan is taking me for our romantic meal, whilst I decide how many night's out he's allowed 8O :lol:

Do you want the number to book table, you'll prob be ok cos it's start of season but it is getting more and more popular each year and you said you were going Sat night didn't you so it might be best to.

I thought we'd already established that you're doing Space on Sunday, DC10 on Monday, Underwater on Tuesday, La Troya on Wednesday and then iwbrnt (c) do a little final La Troya aftershow sesh on your last day :lol: ;)

Do you want me to come home alive 8O :( :?:

I've agreed to do:

Thur - nothing
Fri - undecided
Sat - meal @ KM5
Sun - WLS @ Space
Mon - DC10 in the day
Tues - Underwater
Wed - undecided
Thur - sleep and home

Oh yeah and can you give me the KM5 no, I'll get Jon to book us the best table there :D
Beckiboo said:
Do you want me to come home alive 8O :( :?:

I've agreed to do:

Thur - nothing
Fri - undecided
Sat - meal @ KM5
Sun - WLS @ Space
Mon - DC10 in the day
Tues - Underwater
Wed - undecided
Thur - sleep and home

Oh yeah and can you give me the KM5 no, I'll get Jon to book us the best table there :D

Bec do you really think you won't be clubbing on Friday night when you've got repribates like Jamie who've just arrived and will be going to Pure Pacha or Defected :lol: ;)

We shall review your plans for Weds closer to the time ;)

I'll mail you the number tomorrow ;)
mambobirdette said:
Wow that looks really lovely but theres not much info on the menu, prices etc. Bar looks really nice too, where abouts is it? :?

It's on the main Ibiza Town to San Jose road 5km from Ibiza town.
I had the best steak I've ever had there last year so we'll be going back! Oh and the rasberry daiquiris are really good too ;)
mambobirdette said:
Wow that looks really lovely but theres not much info on the menu, prices etc. Bar looks really nice too, where abouts is it? :?

It does really good steak and meat dishes plus some nice fish dishes, it has very little for true vegetarians but if you eat fish you'll be fine.

We go every year - 2 courses for me, 3 for Tom and wine is about 100 euros. The staff are lovely and really helpful and friendly too.

I love it Mambo, my fave restaurant on the island.