Juts got back from Ibiza review


New Member
Hi everyone
Just got back from Ibiza after spending just under 2 weeks there
here is my review.
Sat 14th june
arrived and went to retro, Retro had about 600 people in and most were san an beer boys and girls, Music was calssic tracks from the past 10 years and was good but the atmosphere stank and we left after a few hours. luckily we only payed 10 euros each to get in.
Sun 15th june - went to Bora Bora at about 5 after a days sun bathing further up. Dj gee was on and there were many people dancing including me.
We went to coastline that night to catch the sunset and have a meal. We had seafood paella in the resturaunt and it was excellent along with the service. listened to whoever it was djing and the saxaphone guy, then judge jules started playing we left about 1 for an early night.
Mon 16th june
sunbathed all day and that night went to bora bora at about 10 then on to pin up. Got in for free as it was dead about 100 people there good tunes and got to know the dj's it finished at about 4 as it was so quiet.
Tues 17 th june
Went to las salinas and sunbathed and stayed in this night.
Weds 18th june
Sunbathed and went to Bora Bora wasn't as busy there today but was still good. didn't go out this night either but was treated to Starlight Express at the hotel LOL.
Thur 19th june
Went to Formentera on the ferry, we went to a place called Es Calo, I went snorkelling but managed to stand on a sea enenemy and got about 8 spikes lodged in my big toe. Found a needle and tweezers from a nearby cafe and plucked them out was painful.
That night we went to ibiza town and went to a few places b4 going to Base bar, got chatting to Jason Bull ( the owner ) and he gave us free tickets to Ministry ( they were more of a flyer with his writing on the back saying that we were his guests or something )
Ministry wasn't that busy either there was about 1500 people there apparantly. we got there at about 2 and little louie vega was on so lots of latin fuelled house. at about 4:00 we went to get a drink and our purse was gone from our bag. Jodie decided to get a taxi from pacha to the hotel and back to get more money. which took about 30 mins. went back in and Kenny Gonzalez was on left just after 6 as we were still a bit pissed off that our bag was nicked.
Fri 20th june
spent a quiet day sunbathing by the pool and then headed off to ibiza town at night. Went to ibiza town again and got free tickets again to pacha for pacha pure. Got in at about 2:30 and tony humphries was playing, this time pacha was much busier and it was hard to get on the main dancefloor. We spent our time dancing on tge sidelines and we bumped into Spotty dog from this website. Was looking out for barbie but was hard to spot anyone. Tony Humphries was good and had us dancing most of the night. spent an hour in the funky room as well as there was a bit more space to dance. Funky room was better than the main room, we also went in the Global room for a while and it was bouncing in there, i'm not a lover of hip hop but the atmosphere was good. Everything was good... <edit>...
We spent an hour on the terrace and then left about 6 again.

Sat 21st june
Spent the day chilling and went to Bora Bora at about 5. It was very busy and we danced for a while b4 heading off to Kumhares to watch the sunset
Kumhares was lovely very hippyish and sedate and it looked beautiful.
Looked out for Barbie again but couldn't see her ( on reviewing our holiday photo's we actually have one we took at kumhares with her in the background, I havn't a bloody clue how we didn't see her especially as we were looking ) The sunset was beautiful to the sound of the dj and the chello player. We then sat down to eat in the indonisian style restaraunt ( you sat on floor cushions ) Had a nice Mixed Seafood platter with Crab Salad. I really enjoyed mine although Jodie complained that the sauce was too salty also a few of the mussels were off. Plus they only had one waitress so service wasn't so good. We had a belly dancer dance round the tables and a fire dancers e.t.c and there were lots of little hippy stalls around selling all sorts.
Kumhares was an excellent place to go for sunset and meal i would highly reccomend it.
We left at about 1 and headed off to get a taxi back.
As i was walking up the path to the main road from Kumhares i felt one of my Breasts and it felt funny ( I have implants ) It had suddenly gone soft and also looked a bit smaller. I passed out, next thing i was being woken by jodie and a taxi drver and they carried me to the taxi. We got back to the hotel and called the doctor. I had to go to Hospital and was x rayed and it showed that one of the implants had ruptured. We spent the night on the phone to the insurance company and was told to go back on the sunday to the hospital.
I was gutted.
Sun 22nd june
Woke up and cried for about an hour, 1 because we were told i had to go home and 2 we couldn't go to Space that day. went back to the hospital and they did a full diagnosis to send to the insurance company.
The implants are filled with saline so they arn't dangerous if they leak.
We spent the day sulking and waiting for the insurance to get back to us
by the end of the day no call so we called and they said they would sort it out on Mon.

Mon 23rd june
Insurance rang to say we needed a fit to fly form from the hospital, back we went and waited 2 hours at the hospital for the form. Faxed everything to the insurance who said they would get us a flight back.
Gutted that we had missed out on Circo Loco that day.
I spoke to the surgeon back home and he explained to me that i would be fine and not to worry but to not do anything too energetic.
Still no reply from the insurance by 11:00pm. We considered going to coccoon but decided it wasn't a good idea but decided to go for drinks in Ibiza town with some friends we had met. bumped in to the Cocoon Prs who had giant heads it kind of rubbed salt into the wound as i was looking forward to cocoon.
went to a few new and different places in ibiza town and also dome and then Base where we drowned our sorrow in the coctails and got sympathy chapito's from Jason.
Tues 24th june
Insurance company rang and said we couldn't get a flight till friday so we spoke to the thompson rep and they had a look for us but said fri was the earliest they could get as well. Considered going to Benirras but worked out it would take us ages on the bus so went on the beach at Playa den bossa instead.
That night we went to KM5 for a meal. The place was very ornate with bedoin style tents and comfy sofas to sit on. While there we met Alex the promotor for Southport weekender and Soul heaven, The stress of promoting had taken its toll on him and he was just getting a quiet meal. we got chatting and told him about my accident, we said that we were planning on going originally. we decided that to make the most of a bad time we would go to Pin up for Soul Heaven especially as he offered us free entry and told us about the barbeque they were putting on.
The meal at KM5 was gorgeous, I don't normally eat steak but I had been told it was good. It was a huge fillet about 2 inches thick and cooked on an open fire grill. The meal was a la cart and it was the best steak i'd ever had. Jodie thought the same and she is a chef.
Had a few drinks and chated to the promotor alex and the other 2 Rob and Steve who were the other 2 involved in the Soul Heaven party.
We left at about 1:00 after a quick look at the gallery. ( was expensive prices for what looked like prints )
Wed 25th june
Got up at about 11 and grabbed a bite to eat and headed off to Bora Bora
Was quiet until the foam cannon came to life, avoided the foam and had a bit of a dance. Dj Gee wasn't playing, he was sat opposite with a friend who we got chatting too.
Headed off to Pin up at about 5:30, saw steve on the door who let us in. Walked around to the terrace area where we were greeted by about 20 or 30 people sat around. We waited till about 7:30 and they had the barbeque. A few more people arrived including Barbie and Her BF and Jannica. Kerri Chandler came on at about 9:30 and the place still only had about 250 people there. Chatted to Barbie and Bf about what had happend and had a bit of a dance. Kerri Played mainly classic tunes probably in desperation as the numbers were low. Things woved inside at about 12 but we left as we had ran out of enthusiasm. Was going to go to Subliminal but by this time i was on a bit of a downer.

Thur 26th june
Got up and went to Calla Vaddella on the bus ( nightmare ) and sunbathed the beach is nice and had a nice lunch at a nearby beach cafe. was a nigtmare getting there by bus ( i really need to pass my test )
Got back at about 5:30 and was pursuaded to go to on an excursion trip to a thing called Mardi Gras. Was supposed to be going to Salvacion at El devinio but things were starting to hurt and feel a bit funny. We got half price disount to the Mardi Gras as the reps felt sorry for us.
The mardi gras place is actually nr to kumharres in San Bay. It was a bit of barbequed food and a jug of something or the other to drink plus a big caberat show. The show was actually quite good and had a latin theme to it. Was mostly familys there but it cheered me up a bit. I even got up and danced on the chair during the 70's part of the show, not for long though.
Went home to bed.

Fri 27th of june
Sunbathed by the pool then packed then flew home.

The holiday started off well but things went bad the day we went to formentera so we think its cursed. It was very quiet when we went but obviously things were ruined from the implant rupturing.
We still tried to make the most of things and had a few brilliant nights.
Hoping to go back out in sep to do the things we missed out on this time, Hopefully then things will have picked up, Ive been in sep a few times and it was busier then than this time.
Hope everyones holidays go a lot better than ours
:) sounds like you had a good time !

I did pop over to Coastline later on on the first Sunday night but didnt stay too long, just had a wander around!
Are you going back out again this season, dfunky to compensate for having to go home early?

Nice review anyway, just a shame it ended on a downer.
I have to see the surgeon on mon and then hopefully get things sorted quickly.
Leaves me a bit skint as i have had to cancel a whole load of work. hopefully i will be able to reschedule everything for in a few weeks time.
Will hopefully be going back in sep.
I should have put shame at the end of the other sentence
" Shame i didn't see the sock "
Was good to meet other members was chatting to spotty dog for about 20 mins b4 we realised we were both on Ibiza Spotlight which was strange.
Saw Barbie at Pin Up on weds just gone althoguh she was at Pacha on fri the week b4 at the same time and at Kumhares on the Sat the week b4. I was looking out for her but couldn't see her as she had her hair cut. I looked on the photo's from Kumhares and low and behold there she is in the background.
Met Jannica at Pin up too although was looking out for her at bora bora all the time.
It sounds you had a bittersweet vacation.
I'm sorry for the incidents in Formentera and the implant.
Apart from it, a great vacation.
Yeah i still loved it over there just a shame things went wrong.
It means i have an excuse to go back in sep and do Space, Circo loco, cocoon, salvacion and a few others.
dfunky, i reckon you handled it quite well, not having any implants myself, i'd be bricking it. Sorry the holiday went pear-shaped :( . Glad to hear you are going back though :D
dfunky...that dosnt sound good what happend with the hole implant thing...i hope u r ok onow and managed to enjoy some of your holiday...look after yourself
Oh god, soooo sorry about the tits!
How awful! I hope September goes a bit more in your favour!
Thanks for the review, it's excellent. Have mailed it to my party pals.
Bit worried about pure pacha I have to say. Looks like it's going to be the busy one...and I hate Pacha when it's busy, feels like a waste of money. Don't know what to do.
Especially since I'm going on the 2nd-16th - will be busier than the opening parties. :?
Take care and look after those boobies! 8O
xx :D
cool review. as for clubs being empty, well, you didn't pay, so what you complaining about ;) :D ;)

kidding but shame it ended on a downer. Sept will be fun im sure.
buying stuff in pacha is always a poor idea. got stung meself once when i stupidly lost me baggie. one always lives in hope though.
Great Review!

Sorry to hear about the implants, that's got to be scary and a downer...I'm sure Sept will be loads more fun!!!