Just been reading this online

Pills here have definitely been better the last couple of years. The ones I've seen about have been going for £8 or £10, but you really only need one unless you're planning on completely losing your mind. You don't hear of people buying pills at £2 or £3 and eating them like smarties any more.
yip, last couple years ago they have been excellent quality...as to whether one does the trick...does really depend , & if mixing alcohol as well.

i remember being at an afters not that long ago and a young guy (early 20's) was going on about how they weren't working for him any more (£10 pills)....his tolerance was very high.(but then he was a tuesday/thursday/friday/saturday clubbing student so you'd expect that...plus some people just can handle it better than others/ somthing in their body make up that just kind of absorbs it in.

i did try and sway him to try and cut it back as the number he was taking was far too much (imho)...only way i seemed to be getting through was when i pointed out the money he was spending.....although i would say in fairness, he wasn't in a bad shape for the number he'd taken...but bad road to be on, as i tried to tell him.

Moderation is key as i always say.
I remember watching that BBC documentary, how drugs work. I know most of it was common knowledge to your regular user, but interesting to learn the science behind it anyway. Last time I was in Manc I did one £10 pill on the friday night, was off my rocker all night (drinking as well), it took three to get me anywhere near the same level on the Saturday. Shame the body isn't quicker to get your serotonin levels back to normal.

Where I don't do them often, one of these £10 jobs will do me for a single night, but obviously a different story when it comes to a few day bender. I'm more likely to buy these decent pills than a bag of MDMA these days, at least they're consistent.
IME even if your tolerance is such that you don't feel high from a pill, you will still look like you're on one and potentially be getting negative side effects. I believe (having read this somewhere) that people become tolerant to drugs that work on seratonin far quicker than they do drugs that work on dopamine. Drugs that release both chemicals you'll find you get more of the dopamine effects, less of the seratonin effects over time.