Judgement Sunday Opening @ Eden

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just been onto Judge Jules' website which has dates for Judgement Sunday.

His first Date there is 8/6 then 15/6 etc.........

So looks like it will be open when I arrive on the 15/6 rather than 22/6 as the clubbing calender currently shows :P
Yep all I need now is for Cream to confirm Thursday the 19th and I'm as happy as the proverbial pig.

Sun 15th - Judgement
Mon 16th - manumission
Tues 17th - Gallery/Clockwork Orange
Wed 18th - Lashed
Thurs 19th - Cream??????
Fri 20th - Pacha 30th B'Day
Sat 21st - Recover
Sun 22nd - go home

All is good!
if its july, august or september then they will be there.

I'm not sure when cream have their opening party in june....

when u going???
Sorry left that out - going in June (B'day thing for me 30th!)

That would make it the perfect week to be honest, although the schedule is going to be too manic and I might reduce it to 4 nights of clubbing, but no doubt that will change once I am there.
Rather than that I might just get the 'Free Judge Jules' cd from the Daily Star - apparently you get a big lump of cheddar with it as well.

And some cack sunglasses .

Fair comment though, good thing about Cheezy tunes is that it does attract the ladies.

I know it's a cop out, but I'm not just there for the tunes
Tee hee.... Speaking of ulterior motives during Judgment Sundays... That's where I met my husband last summer =) :D
See my point is proved, your husband obviously made the right choice of club!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I think when you're struck, you're struck. Needless to say... Honeymoon back at ground zero, er, Ibiza, this summer. ;)
I like to think it was Fate... Awww... Anyhoo, it's a brilliant story. We'll be there 27 June - 4 July this year, staying in Playa d'en Bossa. Living proof that love conquers all -- me, a Chicago girl, him, a Northerner (Cumbria via Manchester)...
Ah a northerner, excellent stuff us notherners are quality although we do like a beer or two!