judge jules buys kasbah

frontliners said:
The Famous San Antonio Sunset bar Kasbah

Has been bought by no other than Dj Judge Jules. Expect to see judgment sunday pre parties there and regular apearences from the man himself.

Kasbah Famous for its non comercial vibe is now owned by one of the most comercial dj's in the world but lets hope he does it justice.

Summer 2004 we will see.

Fronty me ol' mucker,

Is there a

Reason why you seem to

Leave a gap and start

New Lines with capital letters halfway though a


You are also not

Big on punctuation

I note

I realise that we all cock up these things while typing at speed, but you seem to have gone to an effort with your 'formatting'.
Buckley said:
I realise that we all cock up these things while typing at speed, but you seem to have gone to an effort with your 'formatting'.

Come on don't be harsh, if I was breaking world exclusives grammar would be the last thing on my mind :lol:
frontliners said:
The Famous San Antonio Sunset bar Kasbah

Has been bought by no other than Dj Judge Jules.
i e-mailed to someone very related to kasbah during the last years and i got this back:

yep ,it's sad but true, tho' apparently most of the
staff can keep their jobs if they want 'em,

frontliners said:
Expect to see judgment sunday pre parties there and regular apearences from the man
and lots of cheese on the menu!! :lol:

"Rock the Kasbah"

If you look very carefully you will see a greasy imprint of my mate's face on the french windows leading from the bar/lounge area to the outside patio....it's murder when you're looking for your table after going for a slash !!!!
aww I hope he doesnt get rid of the sweet blonde waitress there, she was soo nice to us + the tunefish has to stay on the menu!
this one always makes me laugh


i wonder if his worship will have a sign outside eden saying 'favoured by rick stein, jamie oliver and keith floyd' ?????????

btw even i knew about this world exclusive weeks ago - i read it on google news!!
:?: Does that mean no more Stuart & Maurice, and did the sale also include Gusto the new place they opened in the marina last year?

We can only hope the burgers remain the same
Re: "Rock the Kasbah"

steve_UK said:
If you look very carefully you will see a greasy imprint of my mate's face on the french windows leading from the bar/lounge area to the outside patio....it's murder when you're looking for your table after going for a slash !!!!
Fronty said:
*beep* me ive grown up a lot since then !!
but i always still
Start a new line
Capital Letter

*doffs cap*

I remember when I asked
You why you did that
In Exactly that format

Ahh.....the halcyon days when people were shorter and lived near the water, eh?