Jimmy Carr

Jimmy Carr makes more money than most people would know what to do with (and still gets use of the roads, police, fire service, NHS, etc).

And yet if he pays the reported 1% on the 3.3 million he's earnt, he still pays more tax than the vast majority of people in this country.

Use of the roads? He pays car tax, VAT, tax on his petrol. The only tax he's 'managing' (again, legally) is his income tax.

His jokes aren't written because of his own opinion on something, his jokes are written for an audience, to cater to their needs and make them laugh. If that also now means that the butt of the joke is him, he'll still tell them.
Also, I seem to recall there was little to no reaction a few years ago when it was revealed that Beckham listed his missus as a employee with an astronomical salary, and ridiculous job title like 'secretary' - again, a tax dodge.

Ken Livingstone did similar with his wife when in mayoral office I believe.

It happens all the time, and is probably more widespread then the majority of us realise.

Watch the cracks appear in the woodwork. Its already started. Already looking like this could turn into a PR disarster for Cameron if certain reports circulating about his family are confirmed to be true. Watch him backtrack then.
If I was given the option to do what Carr did i'm afraid i'd probably do it.

Exactly - back to my mortgage point - we're forced to live in an 'each for himself' system that's inherently imoral.

Fact is, there's enough for everyone.

Fu(k heirarchy - no one deserves more privileges than the next person on account of them having a good job. Feeding the system, promoting a brand and sucking up to a boss is not a valid contribution or success measurement. It's meaningless in the grand scheme of things (and then we die).

Cap the maximum wage.
Exactly - back to my mortgage point - we're forced to live in an 'each for himself' system that's inherently imoral.

Fact is, there's enough for everyone.

Fu(k heirarchy - no one deserves more privileges than the next person on account of them having a good job. Feeding the system, promoting a brand and sucking up to a boss is not a valid contribution or success measurement. It's meaningless in the grand scheme of things (and then we die).

Cap the maximum wage.

Do you oppose rewarding people for achieving success in their jobs?