jet apts??

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Eeee ... I've been used to holidaying in Greece .. cockroaches, loo roll in bin NOT down toilet, no hot water ...

I thought Hostal Rosali was 4 star last year !!
DrewUK said:
Most likely Yogi cos they stayed in the section that is set back in the middle of the complex
okay Kang - here is a picture i took for you to remember those happy moments!! :lol:


and here is another one :!:

playa d'en bossa, january, 20 degrees, people wearing t-shirts and playing along the beach:


(both taken this morning)

wish you were here? :P
Purfect for families !

Pop the kids away to their beds .. then go join the party on any one of a hundred balconies!
What do people want in accommodation ?

For god's sake you are only in the place a short while and all you really need is a fridge, a toilet, running water (be it hot or cold) and a bed ... I've never been ona site where people moan so much!

Make the best of it !! Sheesh !
Don't listen to 'em. Jet Appartments are sh*tty. Stayed there for a bit last year and I swear they pumped the shower water straight from the sea. Suspiciously close to the beach as well and there's no aircon. Of course they tell you there is though and you don't realise 'till you're there. Aircon is a MUST for sleeping during the daytime which will happen if you do the carry-ons and DC10 as we did. You only have to pay a bit more and you can get a more comfortable gaff. Planes flying over Bora Bora while you're raving are good, planes sounding like they're gonna crash into your hotel every 5 mins when you're in bed are not. Just my opinion.

Go down the coast it's better/cleaner/less sh*tty.
*Saffy* said:
What do people want in accommodation ?

For god's sake you are only in the place a short while and all you really need is a fridge, a toilet, running water (be it hot or cold) and a bed ... I've never been ona site where people moan so much!

Make the best of it !! Sheesh !

Saffy, having stayed in the Jet last summer in the last week of August-first week of September, I'd say AC is essential. They have since installed it in every room, but last year we didn't have it and were tossing about in our sleep. The rooms get very stuffy so without it it was a nightmare, even with our dinky fan.

Apart from that, I'd say the Jet have all you could want, although I'm spending a bit more this year and going for the Sirenis Jabeque mainly because under-occupancy at the moment for the Jet is a joke.
Got to say ... I've never had air conditioning before on holiday .. only when we went to Florida .... and I've been holiday abroad since I was 13 (42 now) ...

When you're tired .. you sleep!
kitten's head said:
Saffy, having stayed in the Jet last summer in the last week of August-first week of September, I'd say AC is essential. They have since installed it in every room, but last year we didn't have it and were tossing about in our sleep. The rooms get very stuffy so without it it was a nightmare, even with our dinky fan.

Apart from that, I'd say the Jet have all you could want, although I'm spending a bit more this year and going for the Sirenis Jabeque mainly because under-occupancy at the moment for the Jet is a joke.

I can't survive on holiday without air conditioning, you come out the shower, dry your hair, get ready and within 5 minutes you're a sweaty frizzy haired mess 8O :lol:
*Saffy* said:
Got to say ... I've never had air conditioning before on holiday .. only when we went to Florida .... and I've been holiday abroad since I was 13 (42 now) ...

When you're tired .. you sleep!

Some people can stand with the hight temperatures better, but insomnia because it's hot it's the worst specially on holidyas. And I lived for 25 years without air con.
DrewUK said:
I hate AC :evil: (breeding ground for germs :? )

I prefer to use: -


I took one with my last year but it was so unbearable in the Jet as it was an especially hot August and hardly any air comes into the apartments anyway.