January Blues

I can't wait to book & officially start counting down the days! When you thinking of goin'?

I really wanna hit Space opening, but if not same time as last year. Around mid August. Wouldn't mind seeing some of the lineups before I book - took a gamble last year and it paid off.
Got 4 wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. Now that's over and I'm recovering, hopefully the year can start picking up. 8)
Got 4 wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. Now that's over and I'm recovering, hopefully the year can start picking up. 8)
All 4 at once? So that's soup for dinner for the rest of the month?

I've only had one removed. In the immortal words of Stephen Patrick, the pain was enough to make a shy, bald Buddhist reflect and plan a mass murder!
I'd had all 4 of mine out by the time I was 17:( I'm also 99% certain the dentist broke my jaw when he took the two on the left out when I was 15 but can't prove it as it didn't start giving me jip until years later. X-rays showed it had been broken and that's the only time it could really have happened without me noticing :evil:
You lads in Scotland must be tough cookies, I would have wanted to be out cold and at least an overnight stay in hospital! Hope you are ok..

I was out cold, but only in hospital for 4 hours. Been surviving on soup, yoghurt, porridge, green tea and painkillers for the last 3 days, but should hopefully be eating better within the next couple of days. It's nowhere near as bad as I'd been lead to believe.
I was out cold, but only in hospital for 4 hours. Been surviving on soup, yoghurt, porridge, green tea and painkillers for the last 3 days, but should hopefully be eating better within the next couple of days. It's nowhere near as bad as I'd been lead to believe.

You need some morphine ;)
You need some morphine ;)

Codeine is horrible enough. I overdid it the other night and had pupils like pins.

Now cutting back on the painkillers and am eating better - hopefully manage some mince and tatties tonight!

The weirdest thing is having not been for a jobby for three days. :lol:
Got 4 wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. Now that's over and I'm recovering, hopefully the year can start picking up. 8)

Hope you're on the mend ... I had one out under local in the dentist's chair - still remember the grinding and pressure vividly - tho' if I recall right there was cocaine in the anaesthetic they used and I couldn't have given a monkeys about much at the time :eek: ... or was it codeine ? ... god only knows but it was lethal ! Horrid affair - so glad it was only one !

I only took the painkillers for a couple of days after - they made me so depressed it was hard to believe. Just kept getting food stuck in the stitches and generally feeling very sorry for myself for about 2 weeks :lol: Hope you feel better soon.
Codeine is horrible enough. I overdid it the other night and had pupils like pins.

Now cutting back on the painkillers and am eating better - hopefully manage some mince and tatties tonight!

The weirdest thing is having not been for a jobby for three days. :lol:

Used to use codeine for my back for a while, don't underestimate the effects of bunging you up, it can get very extreme and make you miserable. Tons of fluids, absolutely essential to get some movement:D
Hope you're on the mend ... I had one out under local in the dentist's chair - still remember the grinding and pressure vividly - tho' if I recall right there was cocaine in the anaesthetic they used and I couldn't have given a monkeys about much at the time :eek: ... or was it codeine ? ... god only knows but it was lethal ! Horrid affair - so glad it was only one !

I only took the painkillers for a couple of days after - they made me so depressed it was hard to believe. Just kept getting food stuck in the stitches and generally feeling very sorry for myself for about 2 weeks :lol: Hope you feel better soon.

They probably had you on novocaine, not cocaine. :lol:

Novocaine's a numbing agent. Codeine's the sort of painkiller you'd use afterwards.

The pain's starting to go a bit and I'm using less painkillers, though not sure I'd want to go back to work until I'm off the codeine. Codeine's damn good for knocking you out in the night, but means you're slow to get going in the morning. I have other painkillers that don't make you drowsy and I try to stick to them during the day - but have to use a mix over a 24 hour period due to the limit of each med you can have in that time.

Eating is getting a bit easier. I'm up to eating mince, neeps and tatties now. ;) Main worry at the mo' is my tongue feels a bit numb, which can be lasting in some people. A man has to be able to use his tongue.