January Blues


Wow is it just me or does January feel like it's dragging? I can't believe it's only the 12th!! I seem to keep having Ibiza Dreams!? Summer & Ibiza need to hurry up....
For me personally I feel like it should already be the 25th of January by now!!
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I might be the only one but Im feeling really positive this january. Feeling good that ive been living healthier and stuck to it. Been working loads so not had much time to think bout what i might be missing out on and also have planned 2 trips for febuary. also the weathers been pretty mild too
January is a quiet month for me work-wise so I think this is probably the biggest reason why time seems to be going by so slowly. I've had a little too much time on my hands during the day just daydreaming about Ibiza whilst sat in my office! I'm normally very optimistic & positive & all in all my 2012 is shaping up nicely but woke up today in a bit of a funk thinking how is it only January 12th?! Lol :)
I managed to seriously rape my bank account last month. It's a long pay month as well. Had a great time, but paying for it now.

But, in a good way, I am spending my little money on quality foods and hitting the training hard. Summer '12 I wanna be in top shape. All my mates are in the same place, so I'm not really missing too much now.
But, in a good way, I am spending my little money on quality foods and hitting the training hard. Summer '12 I wanna be in top shape. All my mates are in the same place, so I'm not really missing too much now.

I like your thinking.... I've been slacking on the training front big time!!
6 Months until Ibiza Part I, need to get in serious shape for it... going to be a long six months!
No, probably going to book the first one last minute in June / July. At a guess anyway.
The guy I'm going with isn't sure he can afford to go twice. :confused:
Awww I see. I'm booking a another holiday next week then hoping to book my trip to Ibiza in March/April. Looks like we'll probably be going early July now rather than mid July so might see you out there!
I was all booked up this time last year. Winter is only cool at Christmas time....I need to get looking into this SUmmer NOWWW
This month does seem to be going very very slow, and work has been busy as anything today too.
Went out to lunch and came back to 47 new emails...in a hour?! Mental!

Luckily i've got both my holidays sorted for this year..cant get here quick enough. :D
Plenty of yoga means no blues for me this january and im determined to get May, July and Sept booked by the end of feb :) happy days!!
Awww I'd happily book Ibiza tomorrow but I need to wait for one of my friends to get confirmation from her work that she can have the dates off, plus we're all booking other holidays etc so decided that we'll wait a little bit longer & book Ibiza in March/April.... Very excited about returning again to Ibiza this summer :)
Awww I see. I'm booking a another holiday next week then hoping to book my trip to Ibiza in March/April. Looks like we'll probably be going early July now rather than mid July so might see you out there!

Let me know what dates your going :)
The current dates I'm thinking of going in July is 5th - 10th for a long weekend. Starting, ofcourse, with a Cream night. :D

Jan is dragging something rotten. :(
Let me know what dates your going :)
The current dates I'm thinking of going in July is 5th - 10th for a long weekend. Starting, ofcourse, with a Cream night. :D

Jan is dragging something rotten. :(

Yeah I'll let you know once we book. Still not 100% sure where we're going to stay this year, definitely San An though, I'd like to stay at Puchet. Yes we definitely plan on going to Cream again whilst we are in Ibiza!!

Luckily my 'January Blues' seem to have faded, last week went by sooooo slowly, however time seems to be going by at a normal rate for me this week :)
Yeah I'll let you know once we book. Still not 100% sure where we're going to stay this year, definitely San An though, I'd like to stay at Puchet. Yes we definitely plan on going to Cream again whilst we are in Ibiza!!

Luckily my 'January Blues' seem to have faded, last week went by sooooo slowly, however time seems to be going by at a normal rate for me this week :)

I imagine we'll be in San An too, PDB always seems quite expensive. Not sure which hotel yet, will depend on when we go, prices, and what not.