It's oh so...

am massively depressed

compounded by the fact my landlord has dramatically declared the kitchen out of bounds whilst they dry out the damp

and work is awful, hateful, vile

itching to reload the car and emigrate for ever, for good, never come back. What is the point of being back in London. WHAT IS THE POINT?????
itching to reload the car and emigrate for ever, for good, never come back. What is the point of being back in London. WHAT IS THE POINT?????
I know the feeling. I've been like that since I got back from South Africa. Thinking, wow, what a great experience and what an interesting place. Not that I'd move there (although I'm not entirely opposed if some great job popped up), but it just reminded me how many other places there are where it'd be cool to live for a bit.

Coming up on 9 years in Moscow later this month. Sure it's fun and fascinating but I'm getting itchy, a feeling sure to be compounded after Ibiza next month :!:
Can I join in too and say I am very bored at the moment. All I am doing is appraisals and do you know what I dont really care, likely they wont get a payrise anyway this year so....... 3rd day of writing the buggers :spank:

Its also holiday time here and its deadly quiet in the office, weather is shiiiiite up here (well cloudy and humid with a bit of sun here and there)

No SW4 to look forward to (but that's ok cos there's always Ibiza)

Oh and I am off work for the next fortnight too - hopefully the weather gets a bit better and I can do all the stuff I want to do without it pissing down with rain....